Gundam Girl

I always try to make it a point to support my sister in whatever interests her. And one of her hobbies is cosplay. This time she went as Gundam Girl. I’m really impressed with the whole costume structure that was done by Shannon.

The silver Z on her face however was drawn by me! Cute?

My god-daughter was also there… though she had no idea until that morning that she was gonna follow along to my sister’s cosplay event. In fact these pictures are kindly provided by Audrey cause I left my camera in the car.

I started work at 7am the day before and pulled an all nighter at Koji’s place after work with the girls. At 8am I rushed home to freshen up and pick my sister and her friends that morning, went for lunch with Audrey and met Celeste, Hanlong and Xaiver for badminton. So for someone who didn’t sleep for about 40 hours in a row I am surprised I manage to pull it off.  I was seriously on the verge of collapsing by the time I stepped home again. To say I’ve overstretched my limit is an understatement.



  1. February 24, 2009 / 12:24 pm

    Pls help little charmaine @

    My friend Cynthia’s daughter Charmaine is suffering from cancer neuroblastoma & is currently in the 4th stage.

    I think they are trying to raise some funds so if you want to help, pls refer to the above blog link. Thanks

    And let’s pray hard together!

  2. February 24, 2009 / 6:35 pm


    I went to see the weblog. It’s really sad and Charmaine is so cute! Will keep her in my prayers.

  3. February 24, 2009 / 9:01 pm

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks for reading the blog & pls pray hard for little Charmaine!

  4. Serena
    February 24, 2009 / 9:55 pm

    Hi Renzze,

    May I know where did you get the pair of wedges which you were wearing in this post?? Really like it alot. Thanks!


  5. February 24, 2009 / 10:09 pm


    Wedges are from Ching Shoes… 3rd floor FEP.

  6. March 1, 2009 / 11:41 pm

    haha so cute….

  7. March 2, 2009 / 1:51 pm

    lol… yea… it’s a cute costume.

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