
Sometime back, I went to visit my grandparents. I don’t visit them as much as I want to due to my busy schedule and it doesn’t help that I’m away most of the time. But I really should make time to see them more especially since my 80+ grand-dad isn’t as strong as he used to be anymore.

Grand-dad still recognises me when I visit. But he tends to remember the past much better and has pretty bad short term memory. He loves Big Mac and pizzas and can usually finish a whole set meal but these days he can only probably eat half a burger even though they are his favourite.

Grandma on the other hand is as healthy as a horse and fit as a fiddle! Of course, as with any woman her age, she has those occasional aches and pains but on the whole, she’s doing a damn good job of taking care of grand-dad. Her favourite past time is watching Chinese or Cantonese or Korean drama serials. I try to get some for her whenever I visit.

After visiting my grandparents, I took Louis and Emmie for a walk. Managed to capture some nice sky photos and will share them here. (Yes, I like to stare in to the sky and take photos too!)

The shots this time round are slightly better than my other photos on the blog cause they were taken with an SLR. I don’t normally use the SLR to take photos cause it’s such a hassle for a tiny girl like me to lug such a big camera out. But on those rare occasions where the SLR is used, I can’t help but marvel at the beautiful shots it is able to capture. I guess no pain, no gain yah? But for now I’ll stick with my little compact camera for most days.

Here are the outfit shots for the day.

I don’t know if you can tell… but my face was slightly sun-burnt!



  1. deedee
    August 16, 2009 / 5:40 pm

    nice pics! sunburnt from NDP? i was thinking your face looks really rosy and nice!! 😀

    • August 22, 2009 / 11:35 am

      deedee, Thanks babe! NDP was hot!!!

  2. deedee
    August 16, 2009 / 5:40 pm

    nice pics! sunburnt from NDP? i was thinking your face looks really rosy and nice!! 😀

    • August 22, 2009 / 11:35 am

      deedee, Thanks babe! NDP was hot!!!

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