Gormandizing in Malacca

Sometimes I amaze myself with the amount for food I can eat in one sitting. My metabolic rate has always been on the high side but age has pretty much caught up to me and I do actually gain weight these days! It started off as a great thing and now I’m worried cause at the rate I eat I might turn unrecognizable in a few years 🙁

Anyhow, we reached Malacca a little too late and my favorite stall for the famous Malacca chicken rice balls were already sold out so we headed to a competitor’s shop. Still great tasting but it’s definitely not as good or as moist as the original stall. I was really hungry so a plate of chicken and 10 rice balls just for me!

After my meal I had Jonker Street famous durain ice chendol, a bowl of mutton soup and even found space for a packet of mua chee and some chinese cakes! Gosh… it doesn’t feel like a lot until I start writing about it!


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