Goodies in the mail for furkids

I’m always excited when I get parcels and letters in the mail (that are not bills!). The whole excitement of opening boxes having something physical in your hand is a feeling that I absolutely enjoy. There’s a new online shopping player in town, ZALORA SG and they sell everything from clothes to shoes to house ware! And believe it or not, I found out it sells items for pets as well! So in the mail today, I didn’t get a surprise for me but for Louis and Emmie who always get curious over anything new especially if it’s for them!

Here’s Emmie’s Napolito Dandy. It was the last in stock so currently there isn’t anymore in ZALORA SG but they have other similar designs.

Isn’t my little Emmie girl pretty! She looks like she’s all prepped up for a girly English High Tea! Emmie looks absolutely dainty (which she really isn’t) and she was quite happy with how nice and snug the hat sat on her little head. 🙂

I try as much as I can to be fair to both Louis and Emmie which means if I get presents for one, the other would get. It’s the same with treats, foods and toys. Even when taking them out or playing with them, I’ll try to make sure that they both get to go and have more or less equal amount of playing time so neither one will feel left out.

My pick for Louis is this White Chef Hat which is still available on the website.

He’s looks like the perfect little chef with his new hat!

I love this picture of him where he tries to be IRON CHEF. LOL! He’s the cutest boy ever!

Both Louis and Emmie hats are from Baby Moon Pawprint which is a brand that ZALORA carries.

Here’s both of them showing off their new hats and personas. Louis might be the boy but he’s more vain than Emmie and loves being groomed, dressed up and taking photos. Emmie, on the other hand is a little more camera-shy but she does like to be in the action as well and she gets super happy whenever I praise her.

I’m gonna shop at ZALORA for more stuff but this time it’ll be for me. If you’ll like to buy some outfits and accessories for your furbabies, you can look under ZALORA SG’s Lifestyle category. Alternative, you could just click on all the highlighted links in this post and have immediate access to the ZALORA SG site.

Have fun shopping and surprising your furbabies!

Click here for their facebook page to get the latest deals and updates too!



  1. Grace
    August 16, 2012 / 2:50 pm

    Super cute dogs! I’ll go look for a hat for my maltese too! I didn’t know Zalora sold pet accessories.

    • August 24, 2012 / 1:40 pm

      Hi Grace,

      I didn’t know Zalora sold pet stuff till recently too! I think there is much to be explored on their site.

  2. Grace
    August 16, 2012 / 2:50 pm

    Super cute dogs! I’ll go look for a hat for my maltese too! I didn’t know Zalora sold pet accessories.

    • August 24, 2012 / 1:40 pm

      Hi Grace,

      I didn’t know Zalora sold pet stuff till recently too! I think there is much to be explored on their site.

  3. October 17, 2012 / 2:42 pm

    Love the chef look and especially the expression on Louis! Need to check out Zalora to get some for my Shih tzu as well. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • October 19, 2012 / 9:06 am


      Louis as iron chef is probably one of my favorite photos of him. Hope you get some cute ones for your Shih tzu as well!

  4. October 17, 2012 / 2:42 pm

    Love the chef look and especially the expression on Louis! Need to check out Zalora to get some for my Shih tzu as well. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • October 19, 2012 / 9:06 am


      Louis as iron chef is probably one of my favorite photos of him. Hope you get some cute ones for your Shih tzu as well!

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