Godson Leonidas 1st Month Celebration

I arrived back into Singapore that morning, rushed home for a bath and then headed straight to my godson Leonidas’ 1st month celebration! I changed my plane tickets the moment Sushi let me know when she was celebrating his 1st month. I wouldn’t miss it for the world!

The little prince of the jungle, Leonidas, is well loved and adored by everyone! And his 1st month party was Safari themed since his name is Leo when shorten. I loved the deco and the gorgeous animal cupcakes and cookies! The many animal balloon were also really cute!



    • February 20, 2011 / 8:53 pm

      Kiwi Fruit,

      His daddy hopes he’ll be as strong as one!

    • February 20, 2011 / 8:53 pm

      Kiwi Fruit,

      His daddy hopes he’ll be as strong as one!

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