
It’s 4am on boxing day and I’m up doing nonsense! Oh well… I’ve got to be up pretty early to meet up with family and friends but since I can’t sleep I might as well blog!  Especially since I’ve got tons of overdue pictures to post!

 I was actually sick a few days back… was down with fever and slight flu then I got better just in time for Christmas! But it seems I let the festivities get the better of me cause I’m down with a sore throat now. I’ve lost my natural high pitch squeaky voice ( which I absolutely hate) and gain a more sexy low hoarse voice… which is all good except it really hurts!

When I had my fever… friends were really sweet… most of them called to check on me knowing that I was at home all alone. I’m really touched by the care and concern. And on one of the nights I came back from work with a care package from Lerelyn on my door! The sweet girl cooked barley water and bought a banana crumble for me… it made me feel much better immediately!

 I’ve been traveling all over the last few month and would have continued to be away during this festive season if not because my body has decided it needs me to take a break!And my bestie Bernice also has caught the travel bug… so I didn’t to see her much till recently. And I got my belated birthday gift for her… We also exchanged christmas gifts =)

She got me an Agnes B. bag charm which I love! I actually don’t own any of their bags… but I do love their accessories! Anyways… here are the pics of the charm in action on my Gucci bag!

Thank you Bernice! I hope you like the Miu Miu I got you! I bought the same one for myself too!

I always end my post with an outfit… today is no exception… here it is.





  1. ALLkinds
    December 26, 2008 / 9:32 am

    hi karen, once again.. *MERRY X’MAS~~ !!

    oh my~~~ ***FRIENDS make life sooooo lovely!!***

    am soooo glad to noe you hv such a *WONDERFUL frens around you,
    they are soooo sweeeet and thoughtful!!!

    May god bless ALL of YOU!! ^^ *HUUUGS*

  2. ALLkinds
    December 26, 2008 / 9:32 am

    hi karen, once again.. *MERRY X’MAS~~ !!

    oh my~~~ ***FRIENDS make life sooooo lovely!!***

    am soooo glad to noe you hv such a *WONDERFUL frens around you,
    they are soooo sweeeet and thoughtful!!!

    May god bless ALL of YOU!! ^^ *HUUUGS*

  3. amelia
    December 26, 2008 / 10:38 pm

    Merry Xmas:)your dress is from bebe? is very nice. May i know where u got your earring from?

  4. amelia
    December 26, 2008 / 10:38 pm

    Merry Xmas:)your dress is from bebe? is very nice. May i know where u got your earring from?

  5. huihui
    December 26, 2008 / 10:40 pm

    merry Christmas to u!

  6. huihui
    December 26, 2008 / 10:40 pm

    merry Christmas to u!

  7. December 27, 2008 / 1:34 am


    Thanks! I do feel blessed to have such wonderful friends. I hope you had a great Christmas too!


    You are asking about this black satin maxi? It’s from F21 and the earrings are from Chanel.



  8. December 27, 2008 / 1:34 am


    Thanks! I do feel blessed to have such wonderful friends. I hope you had a great Christmas too!


    You are asking about this black satin maxi? It’s from F21 and the earrings are from Chanel.



  9. sand
    January 2, 2009 / 4:24 pm

    the bag is from miumiu, how much?? from the sales?? ohhhh.. still on?? they have black??

  10. sand
    January 2, 2009 / 4:24 pm

    the bag is from miumiu, how much?? from the sales?? ohhhh.. still on?? they have black??

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