Flights of birds in Nagoya

I’ve been a terrible blogger. Probably a better traveler but definitely a terrible blogger in the last few months. I had been juggling working and traveling for quite a few years now. In fact, I even dabbled in a few small business on the side. I figured things would still be manageable when I agreed to open up ‘The Pourover Bar’ with Raphael to further expand my passion for good flavourful coffee.

Of course, I was wrong. F & B business takes a lot of commitment, drive and smarts. It is an awesome journey but one that has a steep learning curve and has taken my attention and time away from my other loves – photography, travel and writing.

Two months into the cafe business, I’m slowly sorting out my balancing act and (with a little better time management) I hope to be able to channel some of the energy back to the blog. I’ve still been actively posting on instagram so if you want to know my latest happening then do follow me @renzze and on my Facebook Page.

Meanwhile, here’s sharing a set of photos taken during one of my work trips to Nagoya, Japan.

Thank you for still coming here to read and for not giving up on me. I strive to do better everyday.


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