Flea market day

I’m gonna be starting a small little online business. More details to come once everything is finalized! So exciting!

Anyways, here’s sharing with you a casual weekend outfit! I was pretty moody that morning so I wasn’t thinking about what I was wearing, I’m glad the combi turned out alright!


These are photos taken at a flea where I was outside Vibe sorting out some merchandise. Regina and JW pop by to show some support! Love <3

Regina and I have been shopping and buying our outfits together so we own a lot of the same pieces of clothes. Like in the picture below she has the top I’m wearing and I have the same outfit she’s wearing too! It’s amazing how we haven’t gone out wearing the same exact outfit yet!




  1. Moonriver
    March 11, 2012 / 8:27 pm

    Hi Renzze.. I love your shoes.. where did you get it?

  2. Moonriver
    March 11, 2012 / 8:27 pm

    Hi Renzze.. I love your shoes.. where did you get it?

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