Feeling Moody

I was about to start this post about to share the Gold Mine I visited in Taiwan. But I realized I didn’t have the mood to blog about that right now. Recently I made several life changing choices and it is taking a toll on me so it seems a little frivolous for me to write about my happy holidays in my current state.

I look back on the past couple of years and I am glad that I have been able to do a lot with my life yet I know there is so much more to be done.  So much more I could have done.

As I grow older each year, I find that my every decision doesn’t only pertain to me but I need to consider the feelings and consequences of those around me.  In some ways I’ve been blessed to have the people I have and to be able to have them rely on my ability to choose the right path. But at times I do feel that the weight too heavy to bear and the love I give is taken for granted and then all I want to do is to cut loose and fly free…. even if it’s for just one moment. But that is a impulsive selfish thought.

My post may not make any sense to anyone but me… then again… these are just ramblings of a moody girl at 3.18am.

The good thing about me? I’m rarely moody so when I wake up tomorrow I’ll be fresh as a lark. Maybe I’ll do up the gold mine post I intended to do then.



  1. March 11, 2010 / 7:44 am

    It’s okay to feel moody once in a while, Karen. What is more important is to get back to your cheerful self after that… 🙂 I too occassionally feel moody & feel so sorry for myself too. ;p I fully understand your part when you mentioned the love you gave was taken for granted…… But my ang always told me, 只要自己良心过得去,一切都不重要的…… 🙂
    Cheer up!
    P/s: I saw your parents in Orchard one of the weekends! ;p

    • March 11, 2010 / 11:32 pm


      Thanks for the encouragement. I like what your hubby said about 只要自己良心过得去,一切都不重要的… and I’ll try to keep that in mind. =)

  2. March 11, 2010 / 7:44 am

    It’s okay to feel moody once in a while, Karen. What is more important is to get back to your cheerful self after that… 🙂 I too occassionally feel moody & feel so sorry for myself too. ;p I fully understand your part when you mentioned the love you gave was taken for granted…… But my ang always told me, 只要自己良心过得去,一切都不重要的…… 🙂
    Cheer up!
    P/s: I saw your parents in Orchard one of the weekends! ;p

    • March 11, 2010 / 11:32 pm


      Thanks for the encouragement. I like what your hubby said about 只要自己良心过得去,一切都不重要的… and I’ll try to keep that in mind. =)

  3. Cheryl Poon
    March 11, 2010 / 9:59 am

    Renzze, i remembered making several life changing choices at yr age too and had experienced the sweet & sour of them. It is a blessing one has the opportunity to go through them, treasured the sweetness of some, tasted the bitterness of some and learnt…that makes us wiser and learnt to let go of some.

    It is also a blessing to be able to love…irregardless if we were being loved back or sometimes not at all….the blessings are yours to keep. Always treasure some ‘me’ time, self care so we can love others better. The degree you love yourself is the degree you’ll be able to love others. Like you, after a night’s sleep, everything else is already a dream. Strive on babe 🙂

    • March 11, 2010 / 11:34 pm


      I guess life won’t be worth as much without the trails and tribulations. Maybe I just need to lower my expectations of those around me. I’m surrounding myself with more “me” time now and the friends who are true enough would stand by me.

  4. Cheryl Poon
    March 11, 2010 / 9:59 am

    Renzze, i remembered making several life changing choices at yr age too and had experienced the sweet & sour of them. It is a blessing one has the opportunity to go through them, treasured the sweetness of some, tasted the bitterness of some and learnt…that makes us wiser and learnt to let go of some.

    It is also a blessing to be able to love…irregardless if we were being loved back or sometimes not at all….the blessings are yours to keep. Always treasure some ‘me’ time, self care so we can love others better. The degree you love yourself is the degree you’ll be able to love others. Like you, after a night’s sleep, everything else is already a dream. Strive on babe 🙂

    • March 11, 2010 / 11:34 pm


      I guess life won’t be worth as much without the trails and tribulations. Maybe I just need to lower my expectations of those around me. I’m surrounding myself with more “me” time now and the friends who are true enough would stand by me.

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