Fat is like real estate

It’s 2016. New year. New beginnings.

A great time to relook at some of those resolutions and goals we set for ourselves. Every year I include fitness into those goals. Some years I do well and some years, well, let me just say it is less than desirable. This year I hope to head steer myself back on the healthy track again. All the traveling and festivities have a way of making me lose my focus. I’ve been living the unhealthy lifestyle for quite awhile now so it’s there’s a huge inertia to shake things up.

I understand that staying fit is a lifestyle change that requires a conscience effort and I hope that over time, I can make that change. Despite being petite, I do have my own body issues to conquer. Strong is the new skinny and the new beautiful. During a quick consultation with Marie France Bodyline recently, I learnt that fat is like real estate. Fat favours different body parts on different people and you need to know your body type before you work getting your balancing act right. There is no one size fits all strategy to losing weight or rather in my case, toning up. Knowing your body shape helps.

The 4 different body shapes

1. The Pear
Pear ladies have a smaller top and heavier bottom. Their curves are accentuated by the weight on their thighs and buttocks, hence the name a pear-shaped body. Fats are distributed to the bottom more for ladies with this figure.

2. The Apple
Apple ladies best forte is her legs. Her bottom will be small but she will have a busty top. Apple ladies gain weight easily at their midsection and arms. Fats will accumulate more at her midsection.

3. The Ruler
Ruler ladies have a straight body. Their chest, waist and hip measurements are fairly equal with little to no definition around the waistline. Ladies with this body type are usually lean and does not gain weight easily.

4. The Hourglass
The most coveted body shape for ladies and is sometimes referred to as a ‘genetic gift’. This body gives you shapely curves as your top and bottom will be the same size while your waistline is much smaller. This body’s fats are distributed evenly between their top and bottom and is said to be the top figure looked for in models.

I am a tiny pear whose body chemistry is dominated by higher levels of the female hormone, Estrogen. I have a smaller upper body and store all my weight in my hips, thighs and butt. Unfortunately for pears, these are the hardest fats to shed because they are passive fats. While it looks unsightly to us, to the body (who does not understand fashion or trends), these fats are good for childbirth and breastfeeding while protecting against chronic diseases. The bad news however, is that pear shaped girls will most likely get more cellulite on their thighs and butts.

Even though my consultation with Marie France Bodyline was a one time thing, I want to share with you the little tips and tricks that I learnt there so other pear shaped girls also tone up their thighs and reduce cellulite.

1. Don’t eat more calories than you can burn daily.

2. Avoid dairy, spicy foods, chocolate, processed foods and harmful fats.

3. Eat complex carbs, lean protein, high fiber foods and vegetables.

4. For pear shaped girls to counter your heavier bottom, do exercises that will strengthen your upper body to balance out your shape.

5. Drink more water.

6. Sleep more to aid your body in recovery and discourage snacking.

Regardless of what body shape you’ve been blessed with, the most important thing is to be able to keep a healthy body that accentuates your assets. If you’re unsure which body shape you have, you could always drop by Marie France Bodyline for a full consultation. They will give you the best tips based on your body type so it may not be the same as what they’ve advised me.

Since I was there, I tried a couple of treatments to help speed up my resolution to tone up my thighs. Their newest offering is the Venus Freeze, a revolutionary treatment used by aesthetic doctors & Hollywood celebrities to complement their beauty & body contouring regime. Venus Freeze uses Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) & multi-polar thermal delivery to provide you with a safe, pleasant, and relaxing experience to achieve the curve & contour you desire.

Venus Freeze, the latest breakthrough in slimming technology powered by MP2 technology. MP2 Utilising the combined power of Multi-polar Radio Frequency (RF) with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) to treat all of your concerns simultaneously. The key benefits are cellulite reduction, circumferential reduction and skin tightening.

Venus Freeze is the first and only clinically-proven treatment to receive FDA clearance for the use of Magnetic Pulse technology. Magnetic Pulse fields have been used in medicine for decades and have a proven track record with regards to their regenerative properties, including synthesis of collagen, fibroblast proliferation and neo-vascularity.

Venus Freeze is non-invasive and works as the perfect pick-me-up to give you the confidence to wear that tiny little number for your next party. The session was completely painless and only a slight heat could be felt. It was actually pretty relaxing and felt almost like I was having a hot stones massage. The collagen in my skin was stimulated and immediately after the treatment I could see that the skin on my thighs were nice and taut. Since I only went for one trial session, the effect didn’t last too long. I was told that 6 – 10 sessions were recommended for the effects to be longer lasting.

Marie France Bodyline Centres in Singapore:
Toll Free Customer Service No.: 1800 – 7777111
–  Orchard 360 Orchard Road #08 – 01 to 05 International Building
– Marina Square 6 Raffles Boulevard #01-200 Marina Square
– Bishan Central Blk 513 Bishan Street 13 #01-502
– Jurong Point 1 Jurong West Central #02-21/21A Jurong Point Shopping Centre
– Marine Parade 1 Marine Parade Central, #01-03

Thanks for reading and wishing all of us a wonderful journey to toned and sexy thighs!


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