My whole family met up for a Christmas lunch feast! We had so much food I can’t even recall what there was anymore! Some of the dishes were curry fish head, chili long beans, vegetable curry, roast chicken, stir fried sotong, egg tart,etc. Took a multitude of pictures but most of my family are shy with online exposure so you’ll probably only see pictures of my sis… Shannon and me here… lol…

After lunch it was back to my place for a chill out session of HBO and mahjong before we opened up presents!

This is my favorite picture of Shannon and Janice. I gave them a tee each for Christmas! I gave Audrey the same Levis tee as my sis except Audrey’s a black devil winged tee with a pitchfork in the front whereas Janice’s is a white angel winged tee with a halo in the front. Initially, I wanted to give Janice the Devil tee as she tends to be drawn towards the Gothic look and it would match the Live Mechanics gold and black tee I got for her boyfriend. Audrey’s style and choice of outfits are usually sweet… innocent and girly.But I decided that these 2 gals have way too stereotypical outfits and characters so the presents were swapped at the last minute!