
I’ve been meaning to blog about my Taiwan trip on a daily basis but have been busy the last few days helping out a friend for her wedding. It seems that a lot of people I know are tying the knot these couple of years! I’ve been attending one to two weddings every month since last year and as far as I know I have been informed of more up till June 2010! And of course I have a baby shower thrown here and there once every 2-3 months. It’ rather telling of my age isn’t it.

Anyways since the CNY is in a week’s time, I though I’ll share with you a new place to shop for shoes in this post. I will be continuing on Taiwan in the next post!

I received this gorgeous pair of booties a month ago from Eyeffass and have been meaning to showcase them here but wasn’t able to do so due to my constant travelling the last 2 months. It comes in 3 colors but I went for classic black.

I’ve brought them with me and they too have garnered their own attention overseas. A friend even though they were Christian Louboutins ( one of my favorites!) because of the red soles! And this pair that is specially imported by Eyyefass is only SGD$40!

The black booties are easy to match yet never dull because of the beautiful designs when viewed up close.  I’ve worn them with leggings for those cold winter days and wore then with my bare legs and a mini shift dress for hot nights out in Singapore. Either way it works and it is absolutely eye-catching.

Here are more close up shots of this gorgeous pair of booties with the beautiful eyelet details and scalloped edges.  The details is exactly what enthralls me. I’m toying with the idea of wearing red colored stockings so the eyelets can show the contrast of red and might do that when I go overseas during the CNY period. Are you in love yet?

In fact, I think the people behind Eyyeffass has really good tastes in shoes cause the other shoes are just as beautiful without the sort of price tags that would give you a cardiac arrest! Here’s another pair which I was captivated by previously. I think it’s the perfect work shoes…. just the right amount of fanciness.

All girls love beautiful shoes right! But not all beautiful shoes comes with pocket friendly price tags. But amazingly here’s the one place! So head on to http://eyyeffass.livejournal.com before they all run out. There are even more surprise there in store for you other than shoes.



  1. kat
    September 6, 2010 / 12:11 am

    hi renzze!

    where did u get that amazing red trench from?
    and also ur lace up black boots in the earlier post!

    • September 8, 2010 / 12:57 am


      Got the red trench from Zara and the lace up black boots from Japan.

  2. kat
    September 6, 2010 / 12:11 am

    hi renzze!

    where did u get that amazing red trench from?
    and also ur lace up black boots in the earlier post!

    • September 8, 2010 / 12:57 am


      Got the red trench from Zara and the lace up black boots from Japan.

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