Errands upon errands

I was running about with a list of errands to run. Posting out letters and presents, ferrying my mum to get her stuff, doing my weekly grocery shopping, collecting my dry cleaning, sending my clothes for alteration and my dogs for grooming. You know, the sort of mundane stuff that takes up the whole day and you wonder why your weekends are so short!

I know some of you readers have been asking for real life pictures when I posted the Longchamp IT bag post previously. I said you’ll see the photos when I do use it and take pictures for my daily outfit post. And I finally used it! It was a fantastic bag for running errands!



  1. Janice_Shermaine
    April 9, 2009 / 9:00 pm

    I love the bags!

    U look nice in that outfit, I love jeans! U look good in jeans jie! =)
    u so pretty

  2. Janice_Shermaine
    April 9, 2009 / 9:00 pm

    I love the bags!

    U look nice in that outfit, I love jeans! U look good in jeans jie! =)
    u so pretty

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