ECP Car Boot Sale

Sometime in December, Sushi and I went to the Celebrity Car boot sale at East Coast Park. Vernice (DeeDee) and Jolene were both participating and had stalls of their own. It was a sweltering day and my dogs almost melted under the hot strong sun. Vernice was also pretty much half baked by the time we came round to her store. It was so nice to see her again if only for awhile.

Figuring that Sushi’s neither huge Chanel shades nor my huge white floppy sun hat could save us from the heat, we ended up having a cool drink with the dogs and friends at the nearby McDonalds.

But as the day passes, the clouds came and the weather started to be really perfect. So I was off with my dogs for a stroll at the beach and down the jetty while Sushi left with Daryl to view show flats.

The sun look amazing under the cover of clouds that barely conceled it’s power and strength which I had experienced earlier that day. Coupled with the cool sea breeze and the shimmering water reflecting the rays that was bouncing off the surface, I was mesmerized and set at the jetty admiring the view with Louis and Emmie.

I sometimes wonder if my dogs see the world as a beautiful place to be in or do they find it ridiculous that humans get so excited about the simplest things in life. I guess due to our man made way of life an our hectic schedule on a daily basis, our eyes turn blind to the wonders that are god-given. There is no need to be in half around the world to see beauty cause it’s just in front of us if we pay attention to it.

Edited to add some photos taken by Vernice below =)



  1. deedee
    February 17, 2009 / 2:06 pm

    oh wow i haven’t been coming to your blog for a while although i’ve been receiving the alerts in my inbox… finally i sneaked in (in office =x) and saw this entry! great seeing you girls~ (^_^) hope to catch up again real soon!

  2. deedee
    February 17, 2009 / 2:06 pm

    oh wow i haven’t been coming to your blog for a while although i’ve been receiving the alerts in my inbox… finally i sneaked in (in office =x) and saw this entry! great seeing you girls~ (^_^) hope to catch up again real soon!

  3. February 17, 2009 / 3:28 pm

    yes babe! I’ve been a little lagging on some of my photos. But it was really wonderful seeing you and hopefully we’ll meet up again real soon.

  4. February 17, 2009 / 3:28 pm

    yes babe! I’ve been a little lagging on some of my photos. But it was really wonderful seeing you and hopefully we’ll meet up again real soon.

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