Doreen's little one's 1st month

When you were much younger and still in school you might have wondered who would get married first. But it never occurred to me to wonder who would be a mummy first!

One of the early birds (though not the earliest) is Doreen. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl and I was invited for the Desiree’s 1st month at Marina ONE15 at Sentosa. To be honest I’ve never been there before but its wasn’t to hard to navigate my way by car.

The little one was so adorable and precious it was hard not to fall in love with her. Doreen also taught a valuable lesson on diaper changing =) I really need to meet her up soon! I promised to call after I came back from Bali but have been so caught up I haven’t.

The marina is quite pretty though the on-going construction of the IR taints the view a little. Louis and Emmie came along and had quite a lot of fun running about the boardwalk alongside the marina.



  1. Eleanor
    October 27, 2008 / 12:46 pm

    so when are u having your baby??? im most likely coming back in Dec.

  2. Eleanor
    October 27, 2008 / 12:46 pm

    so when are u having your baby??? im most likely coming back in Dec.

  3. min
    October 27, 2008 / 10:31 pm

    i really like your dress!!

    hopefully one day if you decided to sell it, you’ll think about me

  4. min
    October 27, 2008 / 10:31 pm

    i really like your dress!!

    hopefully one day if you decided to sell it, you’ll think about me

  5. hunnybunny
    October 28, 2008 / 7:02 pm

    where the dress from?
    thanks !

  6. hunnybunny
    October 28, 2008 / 7:02 pm

    where the dress from?
    thanks !

  7. October 28, 2008 / 7:55 pm

    Your dress is gorgeous, I second Min. Think you carry it off so fabulously. The bag and the hat!
    You’re Singapore’s answer to SATC’s wardrobe and dress sense!

  8. October 28, 2008 / 7:55 pm

    Your dress is gorgeous, I second Min. Think you carry it off so fabulously. The bag and the hat!
    You’re Singapore’s answer to SATC’s wardrobe and dress sense!

  9. October 29, 2008 / 4:28 am


    Oooh cool! When in Dec… let me know soon so I can try to be in town =)


    Thanks… If I do sell it you’ll see it on my blog.. it’s quite a pricey dress though.


    I bought the dress in HK… in fact I bought the same dress in 2 colors cause they were one piece each.


    Thanks for the compliments… I wish I had the fabulous wardrobe SATC has! lol… but I do try to make the best of what I have.

  10. October 29, 2008 / 4:28 am


    Oooh cool! When in Dec… let me know soon so I can try to be in town =)


    Thanks… If I do sell it you’ll see it on my blog.. it’s quite a pricey dress though.


    I bought the dress in HK… in fact I bought the same dress in 2 colors cause they were one piece each.


    Thanks for the compliments… I wish I had the fabulous wardrobe SATC has! lol… but I do try to make the best of what I have.

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