Dogs gone grooming

Louis and Emmie have such long fur so grooming them is pretty essential. And while most of their grooming is done at home, once in a month or 2, I’ll take them to a pet store to get them professionally trimmed.

Here’s Lerelyn, the groomer, trimming Louis big paws.

Check out the before an after photos of his paws! It wasn’t totally complete yet but it already looks so much neater.



  1. January 3, 2010 / 2:18 am

    i also want rinko and kookie groomed by Lerelyn!!! Most groomers like to make rinko look like a ball (the standard pom cut) which I don’t like as he’s not a mini-pom…looks weird on him….

    • January 4, 2010 / 1:48 am

      aquariss, lol… she’s located at Eastwood most days I think. If you’re really keen drop me an sms or call me and I’ll pass u her contact.

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