Doggies Run From Yellow Car?

Emmie is now 3 mths plus and a lot bigger than when I first got her. And like all mommies I enjoy dressing the 2 dogs alike despite the size difference. Their latest siblings outfit is this orange raincoat.

They play and they fight just like any sibling but it’s cute to see them huddle together for protection. I found this super cheap remote control car and started chasing them around the house with it. While Louis didn’t like the car getting near him he was still rather nonchalant unlike Emmie who was really scared.

You don’t see her but Emmie is hidding behind the curtain.

Hiding at the corner!


The cute part was when I reversed the car Louis joined in and it and they were united against the common yellow enemy.

Reversed the car one more time and Emmie broke free, running to mummy for help! Leaving Louis there to defend for himself.



  1. July 18, 2007 / 12:27 pm

    Lol.. it looks like Emmie is protecting Louis!

  2. July 18, 2007 / 12:27 pm

    Lol.. it looks like Emmie is protecting Louis!

  3. July 18, 2007 / 1:48 pm

    Lol… ya it looks tat way. But she snuggled her head into him… just that i didn’t snap that =)

  4. July 18, 2007 / 1:48 pm

    Lol… ya it looks tat way. But she snuggled her head into him… just that i didn’t snap that =)

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