Day Out with Celeste

I haven’t had time to really hung out with Celeste in a really long time so it was a good opportunity to catch up.

We had a really good lunch at Sushi Tei at the Big Splash outlet. Later on she accompanied me for a foot reflex session so we had more time to catch up.

These pictures were taken a long time back. I didn’t bring my DSLR out for lunch so the photos were taken with my little compact. However, later that day, I picked my sister and my dogs up from their evening walk and decided to test out my new Canon EOS 500D.

All the photos were taken with the kit lens cause I haven’t started expanding my lens collection yet. Photography is such an expensive hobby! I need to take it slow…

Hopefully I will slowly progress from relying on my compact camera to my new DSLR but for now I haven’t made the full transition. Keep following my blog and maybe one day you’ll stop having to see lousy quality pictures!



  1. deedee
    November 29, 2009 / 10:30 am

    yes, your blog is back!! great day out~ 😀 where did you gals went for your foot reflex?

    • November 29, 2009 / 6:04 pm


      we went to this place in Bishan… Are you having holidays yet??

  2. November 30, 2009 / 11:38 pm

    hey renzze, your compact digicam pictures aren’t lousy in quality at all! don’t be hating on the humble compact camera please, it is our good convenient friend 😉 that picture with louise walking toward you in the background is so cute. where’s emmie?

    • December 1, 2009 / 8:42 pm


      Lol… yes the compact has been faithful and true to me… I really need to be less demanding! Emmie was running around too much to be captured on the camera that day!

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