Daryl & Sushi's Wedding Ceremony

As promised, more photos on the wedding.  Most of the photos here are by John Lim.

The bride and bridesmaids were all in position for our march in.

The groom and the groomsmen were all ready too!

And as the music starts, the ceremony begins.

Chelsea was up first.

Followed by me.

Then Clara.

And Lisa.

Lastly we have the beautiful bride, Sushi, escorted by her dad.

Sushi’s dad entrusts his precious daughter to Daryl and the ceremonial rights begin.

The couple exchanged the most touching vows… especially Daryl’s vows. This was when those tissues in the boxes came in handy!

Rings were exchanged and Daryl may kiss his bride! The whole scenery was like a fairytale!

Some group shots were organised and it was time for the bride to toss her bouquet!

The first toss landed the bouquet to no where cause everyone was too shy to catch! Catching it meant endless teasing from family and guests and we were all aiming for Chelsea to catch it! Sushi even tried her very best to aim at her.

The 2nd toss ended being caught by Daryl’s cousin who was supposed to be part of the “wall of men” to corner the girls in! But guess who got it in the end?

Chelsea! No prizes for guessing!

Love the group photos! And for those who are interested, this wedding gown is by Kai.

The sun was setting beyond the horizon which was a perfect ambiance to mingle around and catch up over cocktails and canapes. Most of the guests were busy snapping photos while others just enjoyed the splendid sunset.

There were quite a few nice bites but this dish was a really weird tasting one.

A stolen moment, caught forever in pictures.

Sushi with Debbie.

The girls riding on the romantic high of the event and catching up on our daily lives.

Lisa, assistant photographer at her sister’s wedding.


With my favorite girlies, the Sushi and Clara.

And with funny face man, John Lim.

We had to go prepare Sushi for her evening appearance! More on that in the next post but first a short little video I’ve compiled for the wedding ceremony.

PS – For FB readers, please view the video at www.renzze.com


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