Daryl and Sushi's Wedding – Preparations

These wedding photos are taken by John Lim, the official photographer for the wedding.

After our lunch, the preparations for the wedding officially began!

Every seat had a box with mints and tissue (which came in real handy later on) and a fan with the day’s program printed on the back. The cartoon on the front was drawn by Daryl, the groom himself! Such a nice personal touch!


The workers finished the set up of the resort and all the flowers were finally up.

Sushi, the bride, got her make up and hair done at one of the villas while the groom and the bridesmaids got ready in another.

Clara was busy running to different villas helping the Groom’s mum and the bridesmaids with their hair and make-up. It’s a big estate so that’s a lot of running to do!

Meanwhile, Sushi was about ready so off we go to look for her!

The wedding planner was more anxious then any of us to get the wedding started on time. I’m glad we weren’t in his shoes! Thankfully, his years of experience helped him co-ordinate the whole wedding flawlessly.

The beautiful bride.

These gorgeous bridal nails were done by Clara.

Sushi with her parents.

Sushi with her sister, Lisa and me.

Outside, the guests started arriving and everyone was busy taking photos and catching up while having a cocktail.

Finally, the bride was ready to start the ball rolling!!!!

Out of the villa we go to just outside the ceremonial grounds.

All the girls were real excited for Sushi!

Cinderella time! Which shoes goes on who’s feet!

There’s the answer!

The bride naturally has the most bling bling shoes of all!

In the next post, I’ll cover the wedding ceremony!



  1. ly
    October 20, 2009 / 2:38 pm

    Hi! The wedding of your friend is so lovely. May I know if it’s arranged by a wedding company/coordinator?

    • October 26, 2009 / 1:15 am


      It’s arranged by Johnathan of Wedding Acts.

  2. ly
    October 26, 2009 / 5:14 am

    Thanks! 🙂

  3. claire
    April 22, 2012 / 8:17 pm

    may i know the name of this resort? the place is amazing!!!

    • April 26, 2012 / 6:57 am

      Hi Claire,

      It’s called Khayangan Estate at Uluwatu.

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