Cosplay 2007

Once again, my very active sister and her bf is participating in Cosfest. This year it’s held very near my place at Downtown East so I decide to brave the scorching sun with my two babies to lend my support! (Since I was only 5mins from home please pardon my wake up messy look!)

Janice went as an injured dark angel from some new anime (sorry I forgot the name!) and Shannon went as Sora from Kingdom Hearts. I really admire their creativity and efforts in designing their own costume. Shannon’s handmade sword and shoes were pretty good! They even got interviewed by MTV. ( The camera man is a really nice dude but the host in black is super dao! Maybe he really thinks he’s a hotshot star… lol )

It’s no surprise that Shannon and Janice usually gather huge crowds of photographers snapping pictures of them wildly! But this year my two babies became mini stars of their own too! Getting OOhs and Ahhs and friendly dog lovers cuddling them!

So many people requested pictures of Louis and Emmie that soon they became Janice’s and Shannon’s photo shoot props. I must say it was a resounding success!

As for me, I was designated stage master of the day. And my job was to make sure the props listened to commands and stay in their positions… lol…

It wasn’t exactly all work and no play for the 2 darlings. They had a good drink when they were thirsty and even met some new friends.

After a couple of hours, even I needed rest so I headed to the nearby Ben’s and Jerry’s for my favorite ice cream Sunday. By the time I finished Louis and Emmie were sound asleep. So it was time to head home!

Once they were home and out of the sun they were back to their usual active nature. I even caught Louis cuddling his sister =) So sweet!


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