Comedy Night

Sweetie pie Yan invited me to a stand-up comedy at a local pub, Howl at the Moon. Her company was doing the PR for the event. I am glad I was able to make it cause it was really good! Had a good time with great laughs! I do miss fun nights out dancing with the girls as well!



  1. jasmine
    October 20, 2008 / 7:06 am

    nono, i wasn’t referring to the swimming picture. Just all of your pictures in general. I can generally see full make up , but they vary from picture to picture. Its very nicely done though.

  2. jasmine
    October 20, 2008 / 7:06 am

    nono, i wasn’t referring to the swimming picture. Just all of your pictures in general. I can generally see full make up , but they vary from picture to picture. Its very nicely done though.

  3. October 20, 2008 / 8:56 am

    nice dress again =)

    is love really eternal as u’ve mentioned?

    will the person who love u always be there for u?

  4. October 20, 2008 / 8:56 am

    nice dress again =)

    is love really eternal as u’ve mentioned?

    will the person who love u always be there for u?

  5. October 21, 2008 / 2:13 am


    Thanks… I don’t really put full makeup most of the time… but I do do my eyeliner pretty often =)


    love is eternal – the aspect may change but not the essence. You may not always have the one you love be there for you all the time… but that doesn’t mean that the love doesn’t exist or that you cannot feel it.

  6. October 21, 2008 / 2:13 am


    Thanks… I don’t really put full makeup most of the time… but I do do my eyeliner pretty often =)


    love is eternal – the aspect may change but not the essence. You may not always have the one you love be there for you all the time… but that doesn’t mean that the love doesn’t exist or that you cannot feel it.

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