CNY with friends

This marks the last of my CNY 2010 postings. CNY 2010 was really short for me cause I was around for the whole of 2 days! I did however, manage to squeeze an little time for friends.

I met Sushi and Regina only at 11pm! I was soooo late for the meetup because I was rushing from one place to another! Thankfully they are such understanding friends! Love them to bits!

After that I headed to Clara’s place after midnight for some fun and games. Everyone was there since dinner but I could only join them really late. Its was fun playing twister, charades and later on in the night I taught the peeps how to play the werewolf game. It was almost close to sunrise by the time I went home and then straight to the airport to catch my flight to Paris.



    • roycheong1
      July 17, 2010 / 10:15 pm

      @Renzze Good Morning 🙂

      • July 19, 2010 / 1:04 am

        @roycheong1 morning!

    • roycheong1
      July 17, 2010 / 10:15 pm

      @Renzze Good Morning 🙂

      • July 19, 2010 / 1:04 am

        @roycheong1 morning!

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