CNY Pre-Family Reunion

I’m gonna start blogging about my CNY celebrations! It’s only been a few weeks ago so I’m happy to be catching up with the backlog of photos on my blog!

Usually I’m hardly around on Chinese New Year. I’ll be in Singapore for the 1st day and then I’m gone for the rest of the month. This year, however, my travel plans were pushed a little further back till March so I could be around for the whole of CNY 2011! My parents and sister came over to my place for small home cooked reunion dinner the day before the “official reunion dinner” with my extended relatives. I had tons of errands to run so my mother came to my place and took over the kitchen while I headed out for the day so I could come home early for dinner.

Emmie and Louis wanted to follow me out! But they got caught up with all the buzz in the home and the special treats prepared for them 🙂 They are after all as close as family to me.

I came home to a wonderful array of home cooked food! It’s such a warm feeling… it doesn’t have to be fancy just home made with love.


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