ClubCouture Who Wore It Best Finalist

Some of you might recall that I posted the ClubCouture “Who Wore It Best” contest last week. Well, the results are out!!!

I had quite a number of entries pouring in despite only having the contest run for 3 days. Friends and readers both sent in their applications and to be fair, I shortlisted a couple of girls and had Flora and Kaitlyn of ClubCouture help me out with the final selection so there will be no biasness.

The winner is Clara Hwang!

Congratulations! Clara wins a $50 ClubCouture shopping vouchers + a free signature tank top to style and above all, automatically qualify as a finalist in ClubCouture’s Who Wore it Best Contest!!

Additionally, she’ll get a full size Skin79 Oriental BB Cream to review and keep.

And to the other girls that were shortlisted, they will be invited to be do a guest post on and I will be sending them each 1 miniature sample of  skin79 BB Cream for them to also do a review to share with the readers here. So readers, look out for their postings on soon.

Here are the short-listed candidates (in alphabetical order).

Donna Tay

Valentina Lim

Wendy Boey

Wendy Sim

Thank you to everyone that participated in the contest and to those that have been featured here, you will be contacted shortly via email 🙂

I will be doing up a review of Skin79 and their products next week. Skin79 is the No. 1 BB Cream in Taiwan and Japan. As some of you might already know, their ambassador is Jolin Chai.



  1. claire
    July 5, 2010 / 9:42 am

    your friend clara is pretty! is she korean? 🙂

    • July 6, 2010 / 5:08 am


      She’s a true blue Singaporean 🙂

  2. claire
    July 5, 2010 / 9:42 am

    your friend clara is pretty! is she korean? 🙂

    • July 6, 2010 / 5:08 am


      She’s a true blue Singaporean 🙂

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