ClubCouture Photoshoot

I haven’t had time to post up new entires for my Taiwan trip but don’t worry they’ll be coming up soon… meanwhile here’s a sneak peak on some of the stuff I do while I’m back in Singapore… (other than work of course!)

I posted about being a ClubCouture Ambassador some time back in this post. And they arranged for all their 2010 ClubCouture ambassadors to come together for a small photo shoot session some time in December.

I take a multitude of photos everyday ( as you can see my blog is filled with all sorts of photos!) but some how a studio shot photo is still rather alien with me. You must find it weird cause I take holiday photos and outfit photos all the time! But it’s done in a casual, I don’t give a damn kinda way and my impression of studio shoots are that they are more focus on being glamorous. Another reason could be because of the the makeup! I’m a simple person with a simple routine… sunblock followed by eyeliner + falsies. Fast and easy and gets me out of the house in a jiffy (means I won’t be late for work!). No foundation, no eye shadows, no lipstick and sometimes not even blusher. And my last confession, I’m lazy to do my brows unless it’s for some big event. So you can imagine how uncomfortable having thick studio makeup might be on me! Luckily they had makeup artists there because I would be so lost if I had to do it myself.

The studio’s dressing room was quickly transformed into a girly joint. The girls having their hair and make up done while catching up or getting to know new people.

Flora and Kaitlyn, the lovely lovely people at ClubCouture even ordered McDonalds for those who skipped breakfast. The whole atmosphere was friendly and relaxed which is fantastic! It made everyone feel like a part of the team instead of just work. Holly Jean and I got paired up together for the shoot and it was really nice getting to know her. We were the earliest there so after we were done we had some spare time to discuss about what clothes from ClubCouture‘s current collection we loved and wanted to take home with us!

I love Holly’s black lace dress and and I got it for myself too! It’s so hot that it got swept off the shelves soon after it was released. But if you are interested, they do have a 3/4 sleeves version of this same dress that ClubCouture just launched.

I know you guys all are dying to see the photos from the shoot so here you go!

I’ll also take this chance to introduce some of the other ClubCouture Ambassadors.

Rachel Kum:

Melissa Faith Yeo:

Agri Velt:

Holly Jean: http://holly–

Renzze (Karen):

Paperger (Huirong):

Jeanine Gabrielle:

And girls being girls, we had to take even more photos backstage while waiting in turn for each other to have their photos taken! Most of the girls are experienced with studio photography. As for me, well, it’s an eye opener to see how everything runs and how composed these girls are when the bright lights are on them. They pose confidently and pout beautifully, making such wonderful ambassadors for ClubCouture! Hopefully I’ll learn a tip or two from these pros. =)

And with the generosity of ClubCouture, I was able to wrangle a freebie for my lovely readers as well!

I will be giving this brand new lovely Lindsay Black Dress in size S  from ClubCouture‘s current collection worth SGD59 to one lucky reader!

To win it, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me what do you like about and then tell me something about yourself so I can get to know you as my reader better.

Then copy and email your answer together with your nick, real name and address to =)

It’s that simple!

Winners will be announced on my blog as well as via email.

And for those of you keen on checking out ClubCouture latest collection, do seize in on their current free shipping on all items promo!



  1. rainn
    January 31, 2010 / 9:33 pm

    What do i like about …?

    Well, I found your blog from lesdames and had been a fan since then. I had always been dreaming of travelling around the globe and your overseas trip photos never fails to fascinate me. I love the post where you posted sushi’s wedding…

    It was totally stunning – the wedding, the location, the set up.

    Another reason why I like your blog is because I find you quite an independent lady. Though I do not know you in real life, certain posts you posted show how strong-willed and courageous you are.

    Those are the small little things which draws me to visit your blog again and again. 🙂

    And now, a little about me…
    I’m currently taking my diploma in Tourism and Resort Management. Loves dressing up, dreams of travelling around the globe and hopes that one day, I’ll be the lady that I dream of.


  2. rainn
    January 31, 2010 / 9:33 pm

    What do i like about …?

    Well, I found your blog from lesdames and had been a fan since then. I had always been dreaming of travelling around the globe and your overseas trip photos never fails to fascinate me. I love the post where you posted sushi’s wedding…

    It was totally stunning – the wedding, the location, the set up.

    Another reason why I like your blog is because I find you quite an independent lady. Though I do not know you in real life, certain posts you posted show how strong-willed and courageous you are.

    Those are the small little things which draws me to visit your blog again and again. 🙂

    And now, a little about me…
    I’m currently taking my diploma in Tourism and Resort Management. Loves dressing up, dreams of travelling around the globe and hopes that one day, I’ll be the lady that I dream of.


  3. Sanji
    February 1, 2010 / 10:38 am

    I love your gorgeous photos and your many adventures! Not forgetting your adorable dogs.

    I’m working with HSBC and have used your information gathered from your Bali posts to enjoy the best holiday with my HTB. We’re getting married in June this year!

  4. Sanji
    February 1, 2010 / 10:38 am

    I love your gorgeous photos and your many adventures! Not forgetting your adorable dogs.

    I’m working with HSBC and have used your information gathered from your Bali posts to enjoy the best holiday with my HTB. We’re getting married in June this year!

  5. pebbles
    February 1, 2010 / 11:24 pm

    It’s entertaining. Easy to read. Filled with plenty of nice pixs too… Also thanks for sharing information on traveling & discounts on clothing purchase with your readers.

    I’m a simple lady who holds a 9 to 5 job, am married & hopes to be a mum soon… hahaa.. ; )

  6. pebbles
    February 1, 2010 / 11:24 pm

    It’s entertaining. Easy to read. Filled with plenty of nice pixs too… Also thanks for sharing information on traveling & discounts on clothing purchase with your readers.

    I’m a simple lady who holds a 9 to 5 job, am married & hopes to be a mum soon… hahaa.. ; )

  7. Yuki
    February 2, 2010 / 10:17 am

    Know u thru cozycot. Though i m much older than u, i find u v down to earth, yr blog is heart warming and true to heart. Not an avid traveller n with 3 kids in tow, i find yr photos from worldwide so entertaining. Maybe one day i will bitten by yr travel bug and make the first move out.

    kudo to u too for dressing up in whatever trip u make be it downtown or jus a leisure walk, it is so hard to find youngsters like u who bother to dress up 🙂

  8. Yuki
    February 2, 2010 / 10:17 am

    Know u thru cozycot. Though i m much older than u, i find u v down to earth, yr blog is heart warming and true to heart. Not an avid traveller n with 3 kids in tow, i find yr photos from worldwide so entertaining. Maybe one day i will bitten by yr travel bug and make the first move out.

    kudo to u too for dressing up in whatever trip u make be it downtown or jus a leisure walk, it is so hard to find youngsters like u who bother to dress up 🙂

  9. cassy
    February 2, 2010 / 2:13 pm

    I’m a huge fan! This blog is my absolute daily read and I love your videos the most! Great work!

    I’m in the media industry and have been for 4 years… I love black dresses.

  10. cassy
    February 2, 2010 / 2:13 pm

    I’m a huge fan! This blog is my absolute daily read and I love your videos the most! Great work!

    I’m in the media industry and have been for 4 years… I love black dresses.

  11. betty
    February 3, 2010 / 9:00 pm

    Oh I hope I’m not to late to join the contest! I haven’t be able to post a comment successfully previously.

    I love the photos and videos and travel stories. You’re such a down to earth girl and while there are many blogs around most of them seem to blog about clubbing or material goods while yours have a great mixture of how to live life.

    I’m 25 this year and just left my job to do my masters in Australia.

    • February 5, 2010 / 10:57 pm

      I’ll be announcing the winner on Monday!

  12. betty
    February 3, 2010 / 9:00 pm

    Oh I hope I’m not to late to join the contest! I haven’t be able to post a comment successfully previously.

    I love the photos and videos and travel stories. You’re such a down to earth girl and while there are many blogs around most of them seem to blog about clubbing or material goods while yours have a great mixture of how to live life.

    I’m 25 this year and just left my job to do my masters in Australia.

    • February 5, 2010 / 10:57 pm

      I’ll be announcing the winner on Monday!

  13. Cai
    February 6, 2010 / 3:34 am

    I love all your photos (they are so beautifully taken!), be it that of your travels, your friends, the places that you frequent…They capture your life so well and allow your blog readers to share your life with you! And of course, I feel that you have a really varied life as seen from your numerous photos! (Makes me envious sometimes!)

    And before I saw your blog, I used to dress rather sloppily to school. But now, your outfits never fail to inspire me, and I’m now trying to experiment with newer styles! (:

    I’m 20 this year and is taking up cooking as a hobby (:

  14. Cai
    February 6, 2010 / 3:34 am

    I love all your photos (they are so beautifully taken!), be it that of your travels, your friends, the places that you frequent…They capture your life so well and allow your blog readers to share your life with you! And of course, I feel that you have a really varied life as seen from your numerous photos! (Makes me envious sometimes!)

    And before I saw your blog, I used to dress rather sloppily to school. But now, your outfits never fail to inspire me, and I’m now trying to experiment with newer styles! (:

    I’m 20 this year and is taking up cooking as a hobby (:

  15. Pei
    February 6, 2010 / 11:54 am

    I think the main reason I frequent your blog because I really admire your lifestyle and the way you pursue your life. Live life with passion not only for fashion, but in all aspects of life which can be seen from many little things you do to practice love and connect with your family/ love ones. It is the attitude, passion and relationship building parts that attracts me to continue on reading your posts. Keep up the good work and may you continue to realize the deeper meaning in life!

  16. Pei
    February 6, 2010 / 11:54 am

    I think the main reason I frequent your blog because I really admire your lifestyle and the way you pursue your life. Live life with passion not only for fashion, but in all aspects of life which can be seen from many little things you do to practice love and connect with your family/ love ones. It is the attitude, passion and relationship building parts that attracts me to continue on reading your posts. Keep up the good work and may you continue to realize the deeper meaning in life!

  17. February 8, 2010 / 2:42 am

    I was led to through Les Dames
    A fashionista clad in beautiful ensembles of silk, chiffon, cotton and lame
    Caught my eye and my breath she took
    Went to her blog and I was hooked
    What Renzee is wearing today?
    Chloe, Bebe or Hermes whatever be it may
    She looked stunning anyway

    Fashion, food, travel, adventure and life
    Her posts are interesting and variety is rife
    Despite her claims of being an amateur
    Her Canon entries reveal depth worthy of an author
    How else can a picture a thousand words tell?
    Love, action and energy they spell
    Emotions evoked they capture so well

    Endless are what I like and some reasons I may miss
    What matters most is the lady she is
    Ashley has beauty, brains and substance
    She leads a life full of passion and abundance
    Infectious is this zest of hers
    Inspires she does readers like us
    An avid visitor of this blog I am thus.

    I must confess I love all things pretty and nice
    Online shopping is not my sole vice
    Shuttling between Singapore and Suzhou is a bore
    Managing a company is my chore
    Reading is my reprieve for brain clogs
    Induced by stress from toil and slog
    Panaceas are they: books, magazines and blogs.

  18. February 8, 2010 / 2:42 am

    I was led to through Les Dames
    A fashionista clad in beautiful ensembles of silk, chiffon, cotton and lame
    Caught my eye and my breath she took
    Went to her blog and I was hooked
    What Renzee is wearing today?
    Chloe, Bebe or Hermes whatever be it may
    She looked stunning anyway

    Fashion, food, travel, adventure and life
    Her posts are interesting and variety is rife
    Despite her claims of being an amateur
    Her Canon entries reveal depth worthy of an author
    How else can a picture a thousand words tell?
    Love, action and energy they spell
    Emotions evoked they capture so well

    Endless are what I like and some reasons I may miss
    What matters most is the lady she is
    Ashley has beauty, brains and substance
    She leads a life full of passion and abundance
    Infectious is this zest of hers
    Inspires she does readers like us
    An avid visitor of this blog I am thus.

    I must confess I love all things pretty and nice
    Online shopping is not my sole vice
    Shuttling between Singapore and Suzhou is a bore
    Managing a company is my chore
    Reading is my reprieve for brain clogs
    Induced by stress from toil and slog
    Panaceas are they: books, magazines and blogs.

  19. Pei
    February 10, 2010 / 8:42 am

    Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day to you too 🙂

  20. Pei
    February 10, 2010 / 8:42 am

    Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day to you too 🙂

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