
I’ve been receiving quite a lot of emails and twitter messages from readers these few weeks and I realised that there’s a common misconception among quite a few readers so I thought it’ll be good to clarify things up.

Firstly, I am NOT a tai tai! On some days I wish I could just sit back and have money fall from the sky but usually I actually do enjoy working and being able to buy stuff with my own hard earned cash. I get the same high from shopping and the same heartache to see my bank balance drop as most of you.

I’m turning 28 this October so I’m not some little girl fresh out of school have have been immersed in the working work for quite awhile.  While I’m as nice as I can be, don’t take me as naive or gullible just because I look young!

I am happily married and have been so for quite some time ! So those guys looking for anything more than friends please don’t waste your time. If you’re wondering why my husband’s photos are never in my blog, he has chosen privacy. And seeing how people judge me so quickly I think it was a really wise decision. I understand that the hobby of blogging bring public exposure and with that, all the possible negatives that come with it. I fully undertake that responsibility but why should my family and friends have to? So I only show photos of friends and family that don’t mind the exposure. Thus, it’ll be nice if readers don’t email me asking me for my photo gallery passwords. I hate to be rude and but the password is there for a reason so if you haven’t got the password, you aren’t supposed to be there. Most images meant for public viewing is already posted on my blog.

My husband doesn’t pay for my shopping expenses, I do. He needs to save and worry for our future. He can’t possibly do that if I spend all his money away right?

I’m a girlie girl and I do love making new friends especially with other girls. I might seem aloof at first sight but that’s only because I’m slow to warm up to new people especially in awkward situations but once I get to know you better, I’m pretty easy-going. I’m sure all my friends can vouch for me.

I do not blog about my job because my colleagues and bosses read it too! Not that there is anything bad to say about them but isn’t it just professionalism to keep your private affairs away from your job? I don’t even blog about my overseas trips if they were meant for working purposes. Don’t ask personal questions like which company do I work for or what is my salary unless you know me personally.

Besides, this blog was created to share with my friends (especially those overseas) about how I am doing, an outlet to share my travel photos with my family and friends and for my daily outfit post. I got to know some really nice readers and I’m glad I had that opportunity. But I think that most people fail to see that a what you see on a blog is only a facet of the real person. It will be almost impossible to share every single aspect of my life and my thoughts here so the only way you really get to know me is to be my friend. I try to be as true to who I am when I blog, but how can anyone judge anyone else without having access to the full picture?

For all the other readers who understands where I’m coming from and to those have had the opportunity to get to know me a little better through comments, emails, twitter or msges. Thank you for being so supportive!



  1. Janice_Shermaine
    September 17, 2009 / 9:00 pm

    Well said in this post! I understand how u feel & dun worry u have people like me in your life to know that u spent your own money & u do work hard for everything in life! Always here for u, so just keep on writing your blog & stay happy~ <3

  2. Janice_Shermaine
    September 17, 2009 / 9:00 pm

    Well said in this post! I understand how u feel & dun worry u have people like me in your life to know that u spent your own money & u do work hard for everything in life! Always here for u, so just keep on writing your blog & stay happy~ <3

  3. Jaslynbelle
    September 17, 2009 / 11:04 pm

    Hi Karen, i have always enjoyed reading ur blog and ur fashion pages. I can fully understand why u have make clarification, dont worry and keep your post coming in! Cheers! I always follow your makan places so recommd more to me! thanks!

    • September 18, 2009 / 2:25 pm


      Thanks babe! I’ll definitely keep the posts coming… I don’t give up easily!

  4. Jaslynbelle
    September 17, 2009 / 11:04 pm

    Hi Karen, i have always enjoyed reading ur blog and ur fashion pages. I can fully understand why u have make clarification, dont worry and keep your post coming in! Cheers! I always follow your makan places so recommd more to me! thanks!

    • September 18, 2009 / 2:25 pm


      Thanks babe! I’ll definitely keep the posts coming… I don’t give up easily!

  5. Ivy
    September 18, 2009 / 9:40 am

    Babe..people are always jumping to conclusions abt others without a hoot in the world as it doesn’t seem hurtful to them. It’s your blog so post what you like. I’ve posted on my work and realised its a big no-no too. Sometimes a blog is half a diary so post what you deem fit.Also, thanks for all the travel advices that you’ve given me. Like Janice says – there are always people there for you..stay cheerful!!

    PS: I really love your buys but when it comes to spending money..yay..heart really aches..hahah..

    • September 18, 2009 / 2:34 pm


      Thanks for your support. Unless it’s a locked blog, the content is gonna always have to be filtered and I hope that the readers understand why some things need to be kept private. It doesn’t make me a different person.

      Lol… once in awhile it’s ok to splurge… kinda makes working worth the while. But just once in awhile.

  6. Ivy
    September 18, 2009 / 9:40 am

    Babe..people are always jumping to conclusions abt others without a hoot in the world as it doesn’t seem hurtful to them. It’s your blog so post what you like. I’ve posted on my work and realised its a big no-no too. Sometimes a blog is half a diary so post what you deem fit.Also, thanks for all the travel advices that you’ve given me. Like Janice says – there are always people there for you..stay cheerful!!

    PS: I really love your buys but when it comes to spending money..yay..heart really aches..hahah..

    • September 18, 2009 / 2:34 pm


      Thanks for your support. Unless it’s a locked blog, the content is gonna always have to be filtered and I hope that the readers understand why some things need to be kept private. It doesn’t make me a different person.

      Lol… once in awhile it’s ok to splurge… kinda makes working worth the while. But just once in awhile.

  7. Ivy
    September 18, 2009 / 3:53 pm

    yea..totally agree..hahaha..

  8. Ivy
    September 18, 2009 / 3:53 pm

    yea..totally agree..hahaha..

  9. September 19, 2009 / 4:48 pm

    “But I think that most people fail to see that a what you see on a blog is only a facet of the real person.”

    Agreed. Some viewers read a blog and think they already know the person behind all the posts. Then, more often than not, they jump to conclusions and judge that person. Because the internet shields their identity they think they can say anything nasty they want, and won’t be gotten back for it.

    I have personally been on the receiving end of some nasty comments before, and I really don’t understand why some people just have to be downright mean. I try not to stoop to their level so as much as I am inclined to retort, I either ignore them or if I have to, reply them with dignity and grace. In spite of this I can’t deny that deep inside, it kind of rankles and hurts.

    I think you are a nice blogger, because you always answer readers’ questions politely and have never lost your temper. I really admire you for that. You go girl, I enjoy reading your blog and I support you! : )

    (Btw, that is a very cute piece you are wearing.)

    • September 20, 2009 / 12:55 am


      Cyber bullying can be pretty bad these days. I’m actually quite lucky that I haven’t really gotten the blunt end of the stick. It’s impossible for everyone to like you and that’s fine but to me, they should at least get their facts right before they dislike me. I try to see things from my readers perspective and thus am naturally slow to anger but it’s when they drag my friends and family into the matter that causes me to loose my cool!

      Btw, I love reading your blog too! Lol… though you don’t post as often! You’re a really creative person and it’s not that common in Singapore! Keep it up! And thanks for always showing your support!

  10. September 19, 2009 / 4:48 pm

    “But I think that most people fail to see that a what you see on a blog is only a facet of the real person.”

    Agreed. Some viewers read a blog and think they already know the person behind all the posts. Then, more often than not, they jump to conclusions and judge that person. Because the internet shields their identity they think they can say anything nasty they want, and won’t be gotten back for it.

    I have personally been on the receiving end of some nasty comments before, and I really don’t understand why some people just have to be downright mean. I try not to stoop to their level so as much as I am inclined to retort, I either ignore them or if I have to, reply them with dignity and grace. In spite of this I can’t deny that deep inside, it kind of rankles and hurts.

    I think you are a nice blogger, because you always answer readers’ questions politely and have never lost your temper. I really admire you for that. You go girl, I enjoy reading your blog and I support you! : )

    (Btw, that is a very cute piece you are wearing.)

    • September 20, 2009 / 12:55 am


      Cyber bullying can be pretty bad these days. I’m actually quite lucky that I haven’t really gotten the blunt end of the stick. It’s impossible for everyone to like you and that’s fine but to me, they should at least get their facts right before they dislike me. I try to see things from my readers perspective and thus am naturally slow to anger but it’s when they drag my friends and family into the matter that causes me to loose my cool!

      Btw, I love reading your blog too! Lol… though you don’t post as often! You’re a really creative person and it’s not that common in Singapore! Keep it up! And thanks for always showing your support!

  11. deedee
    September 19, 2009 / 6:16 pm

    I agree with xiaoqi above too… who are they to jump to conclusions and judge if they dunno the real you. you’ve been really nice and although i’ve only hang out with you a few times, you come across as a very warm and genuine person. i like you, and all your friends like you too! and not forgetting your family loves you~ ^^ sometimes i find it so tiring that when blogging, there are many times one have to write clarifications and disclaimers etc just to make sure the ppl who don’t even know you, understand… or rather, will not misunderstand. *sigh*

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:03 am

      Thanks deedee,

      I haven’t had the chance to meet up with you ever since you went to NIE! I guess you have to have a passion for blogging to be able to look past the negatives. On the other hand, it’s a good way to keep in touch with busy friends such as you!

  12. deedee
    September 19, 2009 / 6:16 pm

    I agree with xiaoqi above too… who are they to jump to conclusions and judge if they dunno the real you. you’ve been really nice and although i’ve only hang out with you a few times, you come across as a very warm and genuine person. i like you, and all your friends like you too! and not forgetting your family loves you~ ^^ sometimes i find it so tiring that when blogging, there are many times one have to write clarifications and disclaimers etc just to make sure the ppl who don’t even know you, understand… or rather, will not misunderstand. *sigh*

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:03 am

      Thanks deedee,

      I haven’t had the chance to meet up with you ever since you went to NIE! I guess you have to have a passion for blogging to be able to look past the negatives. On the other hand, it’s a good way to keep in touch with busy friends such as you!

  13. September 21, 2009 / 7:22 pm

    thank you so much! : )

    i think some education needs to be done about cyber bullying. it is too much to include the blogger’s friends and family in their mindless, hurtful banter. even if they don’t agree with you, a line has to be drawn somewhere, and that has to be done with due decency and respect.

    for me, the nasty comments i receive are not on my blog. i get them when i post my outfits on online fashion communities.. then i will get terribly mean remarks about the way i WRITE, not about how i dress. i got over it when i realised that i should be confident about myself since i love the way i write. as cliched as it sounds, i shouldn’t let others affect me negatively and bring me down! so i’m going to continue posting in those communities along with my commentary.. i don’t believe the nasty comments will stop, but they won’t stop me from posting.

    • September 22, 2009 / 2:15 am


      I agree you should continue posting! Don’t let them pull you down especially since they are neither your friends nor kin. Cyber bullying is rampant cause of the anonymity factor but if you think about it, they must really be unhappy people that have a lot of pent up frustrations to resort to attacking someone else without being provoked. Thus ultimately, the bigger issue lies with our society pressures and lack of graciousness.

  14. September 21, 2009 / 7:22 pm

    thank you so much! : )

    i think some education needs to be done about cyber bullying. it is too much to include the blogger’s friends and family in their mindless, hurtful banter. even if they don’t agree with you, a line has to be drawn somewhere, and that has to be done with due decency and respect.

    for me, the nasty comments i receive are not on my blog. i get them when i post my outfits on online fashion communities.. then i will get terribly mean remarks about the way i WRITE, not about how i dress. i got over it when i realised that i should be confident about myself since i love the way i write. as cliched as it sounds, i shouldn’t let others affect me negatively and bring me down! so i’m going to continue posting in those communities along with my commentary.. i don’t believe the nasty comments will stop, but they won’t stop me from posting.

    • September 22, 2009 / 2:15 am


      I agree you should continue posting! Don’t let them pull you down especially since they are neither your friends nor kin. Cyber bullying is rampant cause of the anonymity factor but if you think about it, they must really be unhappy people that have a lot of pent up frustrations to resort to attacking someone else without being provoked. Thus ultimately, the bigger issue lies with our society pressures and lack of graciousness.

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