Clara's Birthday

Remember how I said Koji and Clara’s birthday were only one day apart. Well, we went out again for dinner at Dempsy to celebrate Clara’s birthday.

Dinner was at Long Beach Restaurant. It was my first time there but I found the food to be pretty good!

They had a large selection of exotic live seafood as well. The array of crabs are enough to send me dizzy! I could only recognize the Snow crabs, Alaskan crabs and Geo-duck even though there were many other types.

There was also this odd looking sea creature that were grown in mineral bottles. I’ve no idea what they are called. I’m assuming that they were grown in the bottles cause I don’t see any other way they would be able to fit them in there. If anyone know what they are called, let me know.

After dinner, we headed up Dempsy Hill to Barracks and Camp @ House for some drinks and dessert.

Desserts were so-so but the drinks were pretty interesting.

I really like the whole chic and distress feel of the place. The unfinished flooring and hanging light bulbs coupled by white furnishings really makes the whole cafe unique.

There were even some art displays in some of the private rooms and I took photos of the few I really like. Mainly from the “Drawings on Fedex Envelopes” collection.

I also really liked poem on the wall inside one of the stalls in the ladies.

We had a great time, ending the night with a birthday song for the birthday girl. Gio has an incredibly loud whistle and he managed to command the attention of the entire room to help sing along.

Clara was so embarrassed that she could literally dig a hole to hide! LOL. You have to watch the video to see it.



  1. Yan
    September 18, 2009 / 2:59 pm

    Hey girl… I just went to longbeach yest!
    And no… they’re not grown in bottles – I actually went to ask a guy working there, cos I was so intrigued (and thot they were grown in bottles too…)

    They’re a kinda lobster, and if you’ve noticed, they’ve sliced the bottle half-way down lengthwise, and slotted the poor creature in. They do it cos they were afraid it might bite/ cut customers – apparently they cut pretty badly… and therefore…

    Ta da… that’s lobster in a bottle for you!


    • September 18, 2009 / 3:11 pm


      Lol… ah!!! Silly me! It’s quite sad for them to to squished up in that tiny bottle. But then again… it’s even sadder that they are there just waiting to be eaten. Well, that’s one more thing I learnt.

      Did you get a good dinner there? I’ll cya later for drinks… remember to beep me! Btw… Bernice is in labor today.

  2. Yan
    September 18, 2009 / 2:59 pm

    Hey girl… I just went to longbeach yest!
    And no… they’re not grown in bottles – I actually went to ask a guy working there, cos I was so intrigued (and thot they were grown in bottles too…)

    They’re a kinda lobster, and if you’ve noticed, they’ve sliced the bottle half-way down lengthwise, and slotted the poor creature in. They do it cos they were afraid it might bite/ cut customers – apparently they cut pretty badly… and therefore…

    Ta da… that’s lobster in a bottle for you!


    • September 18, 2009 / 3:11 pm


      Lol… ah!!! Silly me! It’s quite sad for them to to squished up in that tiny bottle. But then again… it’s even sadder that they are there just waiting to be eaten. Well, that’s one more thing I learnt.

      Did you get a good dinner there? I’ll cya later for drinks… remember to beep me! Btw… Bernice is in labor today.

  3. deedee
    September 19, 2009 / 6:19 pm

    the poem you took inside the ladies… i love it too!!

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:03 am


      lol… I was lucky to have spotted it in my stall… I wonder if each stall has a different poem.

  4. deedee
    September 19, 2009 / 6:19 pm

    the poem you took inside the ladies… i love it too!!

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:03 am


      lol… I was lucky to have spotted it in my stall… I wonder if each stall has a different poem.

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:06 am


      lol… sometimes watermarking batches of photos can be quite monotonously tedious so I try to add them in odd places when ever I have the chance! I haven’t had the chance to try their fried rice… shall order it the next time I was there. I don’t eat seafood but my friends and family swears by their pepper crab!

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:06 am


      lol… sometimes watermarking batches of photos can be quite monotonously tedious so I try to add them in odd places when ever I have the chance! I haven’t had the chance to try their fried rice… shall order it the next time I was there. I don’t eat seafood but my friends and family swears by their pepper crab!

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