Christmas Dinner 2010

For Christmas 2010, I threw a traditional Christmas dinner party at my place for my immediate family and friends. Usually, Sushi and Daryl would host the annual Christmas dinner but this year they couldn’t so I took on the role of playing host.

Godson Andre came as Santa Claus! How cute! Immediately, he became the star attraction of the night with everyone waiting to take a photo with him.

Dinner was a traditional spread of whole turkey with vegetables and yellow rice, 2 kg of roast beef, another 2kg of roast lamb and the usual spread of soft drinks, red wine and champagne. Jolene and KH contributed blue cheese with a platter of gourmet ham, Lerelyn brought a huge tray of fried noodles, and Rapheal cooked the mushroom soup from scratch at my place!

I baked a durain log cake for dessert and for the one or two who didn’t take durian, there is a small chocolate log cake that Regina and JW brought. It was more than enough food to last a week! On top of everything, Audrey brought home made Kuey Pie Tee!! And that sweet girl made a separate non-seafood version for me! I was so touched, I finished them all up!

Present exchange followed dinner. There was so many to go around that it took sometime for everyone to sort out whose was whose. My Christmas tree was completely overflowing with presents at the base!

Lots of photo taking and excited surprises 🙂

Koji had to look after baby Andre most of the night but she enjoyed her self on my massage chair for most of the night while her husband, Andrew and Wei Siang were hooked on the PS3 for the rest of the night!

Everyone fussed over little Andre and my 2 dogs, Louis and Emmie. Together, they easily amused anyone that gave them any attention! I think having them in Christmas gear made them even cuter then they already were.

The rest of us spent the night laughing, chatting and playing games. We finished half of all the taboo cards and proceed to play charades! Those who didn’t do as well on taboo did really well acting and vice versa. We ended with a session of “Win, Lose or Draw”  and it was hilarious! I can’t draw for nuts so it even more impressive when some of my friends can draw out pictures to represent words like “kudos” and “curriculum” !!!

The party came to a close at almost 5am on boxing day. Even Louis was totally pooped!

I had such a wonderful dinner and I’m really blessed to have such wonderful friends and family to celebrate the special day with me.

Some parting shots with Regina and Jolene before they left my place. I had already changed out of my Christmas outfit and into comfy sleep tee and boxers.

I’m gonna end this post with a video of my Christmas 2010, with special appearances of Andre the baby Santa and his sleigh dog, Louis.  Here’s the link to view it directly on youtube –


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