Cats and Kittens

I’m a dog person. It feels weird to even type that and one might wonder how does someone be a dog person or a cat person. But yes, I’m a dog person.

I rather be stuck in a lift with a huge dog that a small cat. To be absolutely honest, I have an irrational fear of cats, especially the huge stray ones. It’s absolutely irrational and I know that I’m being irrational but I can’t help it. Maybe it’s because I got chased by a huge cat when I was 3 or maybe it’s their constant scratching with their sharp claws but it’s unnerving for me when they are near. I’m generally okay with them as long as I don’t have to touch them but I’m squrimish when I have to approach a cat.

And then these kittens appeared.

It started with one kitten that fell off the neighbours’ roof into our garden. He was blind because kittens only open their eyes from 6-8 days after they are born and even then they still don’t see very clearly. We kept him in a wooden sheltered area outdoors as it started to drizzle and since kittens can’t regulate their body temperature well enough yet, we hoped it’ll be more comfortable for him to stay dry in a safe place.

The next morning, the whole litter of kittens were in the garden. We had to help these stumbling kittens that seem to be walking off roofs and falling all over the place with the mother cat no where to be found.

Overcoming my irrational fear of cats, we bathe, cleaned and dried the kittens to remove the membrane covering on their faces and while quite a number of them were still not fully opening their eyes, those that did had startling beautiful blue eyes! Cats are always born with blue or blue-grey eyes and their eyes will change to it’s eventual color after a couple of months… unless they were meant to have blue eyes.

And they were all pretty friendly and sociable as well. Apparently, the lone independent behavior for cats only sets in later when they are about 5 months. And it helped that their claws were still small so I didn’t have to be too afraid to handle them.

They kept trying to find their way into the house! One of them even found his favorite spot inside AC’s crocs!

Once they were warmed up and dry we place them back to the place we found them… which was a flower pot in the garden, hoping the mummy cat will come back for them.

So I guess that’s one step towards conquering my fear of cats.



  1. November 15, 2009 / 11:51 pm

    @rochorbeancurd morning! I’m pretty early on most days just that I dun check into twitter all the time.

    • rochorbeancurd
      November 16, 2009 / 7:52 am

      @Renzze Understand. U sure u get enough sleep?

      • November 16, 2009 / 7:54 am

        @rochorbeancurd lol… Sleep is for the blessed. I’m on a non-stop work train this week.

        • rochorbeancurd
          November 16, 2009 / 7:56 am

          @Renzze Is good to be working in such an economic. I got a few friends who are still sending resume n waiting for reply.

          • November 16, 2009 / 7:58 am

            @rochorbeancurd then I guess my busy schedule is a blessing in disguise!

          • rochorbeancurd
            November 16, 2009 / 7:59 am

            @Renzze is definitely is as long as u like what u r doing.

          • November 16, 2009 / 8:02 am

            @rochorbeancurd well… I like what I’m doing most of the time and then of course there are those days where work feels like work.

          • rochorbeancurd
            November 16, 2009 / 8:02 am

            @Renzze True. We all need a break n how many place have u flew to so far?

  2. November 15, 2009 / 11:51 pm

    @rochorbeancurd morning! I’m pretty early on most days just that I dun check into twitter all the time.

    • rochorbeancurd
      November 16, 2009 / 7:52 am

      @Renzze Understand. U sure u get enough sleep?

      • November 16, 2009 / 7:54 am

        @rochorbeancurd lol… Sleep is for the blessed. I’m on a non-stop work train this week.

        • rochorbeancurd
          November 16, 2009 / 7:56 am

          @Renzze Is good to be working in such an economic. I got a few friends who are still sending resume n waiting for reply.

          • November 16, 2009 / 7:58 am

            @rochorbeancurd then I guess my busy schedule is a blessing in disguise!

          • rochorbeancurd
            November 16, 2009 / 7:59 am

            @Renzze is definitely is as long as u like what u r doing.

          • November 16, 2009 / 8:02 am

            @rochorbeancurd well… I like what I’m doing most of the time and then of course there are those days where work feels like work.

          • rochorbeancurd
            November 16, 2009 / 8:02 am

            @Renzze True. We all need a break n how many place have u flew to so far?

  3. Minou
    November 16, 2009 / 11:10 am

    I never knew I was a cat person until my sis got our current cat. And now, I love cats even though I am allergic to them. LOL

    But it helps that my cat is sweet, scratches only cardboard boxes and follows me around like a puppy. 🙂

    • November 16, 2009 / 4:43 pm


      I guess it would be easier for me to deal with cats if I raised them up from kittens or if it belongs to someone I know. They can be pretty adorable =)

  4. Minou
    November 16, 2009 / 11:10 am

    I never knew I was a cat person until my sis got our current cat. And now, I love cats even though I am allergic to them. LOL

    But it helps that my cat is sweet, scratches only cardboard boxes and follows me around like a puppy. 🙂

    • November 16, 2009 / 4:43 pm


      I guess it would be easier for me to deal with cats if I raised them up from kittens or if it belongs to someone I know. They can be pretty adorable =)

  5. November 16, 2009 / 9:58 pm

    same here!!! I’m ok with kittens but not cats!!!!

    • November 17, 2009 / 1:46 am


      lol… i know for a fact that you’re definitely a dog person.

  6. November 16, 2009 / 9:58 pm

    same here!!! I’m ok with kittens but not cats!!!!

    • November 17, 2009 / 1:46 am


      lol… i know for a fact that you’re definitely a dog person.

  7. November 24, 2009 / 1:40 am

    Aww… the kittens are lovely! How i miss my cat, Simba. I used to be a dog person… but I’ll go round stroking stray kitties if they look clean enough. After I adopted my Simba, I knew I am a cat person.

    What has happened to the kittens from the flower pot till now?

    • November 24, 2009 / 9:29 am


      The mummy cat claimed those kittens eventually so they aren’t in the garden anymore. I guess having to take care of your own cat helps you to get pass a lot of misconceptions.

  8. November 24, 2009 / 1:40 am

    Aww… the kittens are lovely! How i miss my cat, Simba. I used to be a dog person… but I’ll go round stroking stray kitties if they look clean enough. After I adopted my Simba, I knew I am a cat person.

    What has happened to the kittens from the flower pot till now?

    • November 24, 2009 / 9:29 am


      The mummy cat claimed those kittens eventually so they aren’t in the garden anymore. I guess having to take care of your own cat helps you to get pass a lot of misconceptions.

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