Little Arielle's first boat ride

I was going to be traveling and would miss little Arielle’s 2nd birthday party. So I met up with Bernice, Kelvin and Arielle before I left. Dinner was at Ramen Santouka. It was my first…
View PostStreet Parade

An annual 3 day event in Zurich where everyone comes to party, enjoy good food, drinks and music! It’s one of the world’s largest techno parties! Considering that people all over Europe travel to Zurich…
View PostMissed my adorable dogs!

I’m finally back home in Singapore. The long trip has made me extremely home sick! Now all I want to do is stay home to do nothing with my family and take my 2 dogs…
View PostWinner of Vichy Spa Water Video contest

While travelling, I received wonderful news that I had won the Vichy spa water video contest! Many thanks to Vichy Singapore, Pearlin, Eunice, Regina, Andrew and Steven for making it possible. I had lots of fun…
View PostGodson Andre's 1st birthday bash

Remember how I blogged about my godson’s Andre’s little birthday dinner cause he was ill and had to push back his birthday bash? Well here are the photos of Andre’s 1st birthday bash! It was…
View PostSwitzerland, A sneak preview

I’m currently in the midst of watermarking and sorting out my Switzerland trip photos. I don’t think I’ll able to blog that much about it in the next few weeks as it’s proving very difficult…
View PostI love OK Go

They are one of my favorite bands cause they do the coolest music videos! Check this one out! Video is available on youtube at
View PostMissing Clara

Some of you might know that my good friend, Clara, is studying fashion design in Melbourne and she’s been there for more than half a year already. I miss her so and though I try…
View PostRSAF 2011

Last month, I headed to the RSAF (Republic of Singapore Air Force) open house preview with Shaun and Hui Yan. It’s one of the most anticipated events in the Singapore Public calendar! It was an extremely…
View PostMy new PS3

Not too long ago, a really good friend gave me a new white PS3 Slim 320G as a generous surprise present to replace my old original “Fat” black PS3 60G console so that I can…
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