Ocean Park

A full breakfast of hand made noodles, xiao long pao and fried wontons! Yummy! Then off we go to Ocean Park! The last time I went to Ocean Park was probably 10 years back! I…
View PostAvenue Of Stars

Morning brunch was at Maxim’s City Hall for good tim sum. It’s not the cheapest place around but it is one of the best! I love the huge chandeliers above! I’m weird that way…. when everyone else…
View PostDisneyland Hong Kong 2009

I was at Disneyland Hong Kong in 2008 as well… and if you read my post then… you might remember me saying that I was disappointed and wouldn’t want to go back there unless I…
View PostNY, NY

I haven’t had time to blog about my New York trip which I went in January. So I’m just gonna do one post on it. Anyways I spent most of this trip indoors drinking and…
View PostMemories of Teppanyaki

There was a time where we could meet at Koji’s place for steamboat and teppanyaki almost every night! A little crazy… and I was really sick of all that oily food. But these days I’m…
View PostEmmie

This post is dedicated to my little baby Emmie. I know how people tend to gush over cute puppies and Emmie had her fair share of oooh and ahhs when she was little. But I…
View PostSnowman and Snow Angels

I’ve been pretty mellow for the whole Germany trip… staying indoors most of the time to hide out from the cold. But I guess that for at least one of the days I ought to…
View PostMainz

Next stop is the city of Mainz. This city has a 2000 year old history that is intertwined with the Roman Catholic Empire. It was initially a city controlled by the Romans but after the fall…
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