Starcraft 2

Yes I have to admit that I’m a Starcraft 2 addict. Much to the surprise to many of my girlfriends. I played Starcraft 1 a long long time ago and since then it was a…
View PostPixar Exhibition in Singapore

First, a hearty brunch at the prata store at Jalan Kayu. I had the largest dum biryani that was crazily filling! The honeydew drink was a little too bright in color for my liking but…
View PostMy little gift to Andrew and Koji

Just wanted to conclude the wedding posts of Andrew and Koji with a little video presentation done for them.
View PostTemplar Park Waterfall

As you read this post, I’m probably already out of Singapore. I’ve already scheduled posts so you can still check back here everyday for new posts and content! As you can see, I’m trying really…
View PostNight time in the City Of Bath

I’ve been very very sick since I got back from my beach trip. Fever, cold sweat, flu, cough… the works. And I didn’t even have the energy to log online at all. I’ll be safely…
View PostStonehenge

The surreal landscape set the tone for my visit to one of the world’s most famous stones. The Stonehenge. Found in Wiltshire, England amidst countless of other burial mounds and stone monuments. The Stonehenge is said to…
View PostWindsor Castle

As promised, I’m gonna share with you with more details of my time in the United Kingdom. Well, I bought a greyline bus ticket and visited Windsor Castle in the English County of Berkshire .…
View PostOxford Street

Took the tube to Bond Street to do major shopping at Oxford Street. Oxford Street is the high street of retail in London and it stretches past many tube stations. Bond Street Station is one…
View PostMeet-up with Audrey

I have been wanting to meet up more often with Audrey but wanting and having the time to actually do it is 2 different matters altogether. And I’m terribly guilty that her birthday present is…
View PostSH trying out the foods I've posted before

SH was keen to try out some of the yummy food stuff I posted up on my blog before so we headed down for him to try our famous Singapore Katong Laksa! And he gave…
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