{Travelling Tuesday} Random thoughts inspired by a day in a London park

This post is more of a photo journal entry with random thoughts then a full cohesive blog post as I am going to be typing the thoughts that come into my head without any restrain…
View PostMarch 2012 Instagram

Sharing you the instagram collective from March 2012. Taking the dogs for their Sunday adventure. At the infinity pool of the oasia hotel #oasiahotel An apple a day… Or maybe more! #oasiahotel Good Day…
View PostSuperdrug Vitamins

Most of you might have heard of Superdrug in UK, one of the most trendy and popular drugstores with over 900 stores in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. But not all…
View PostBeauty Buffet

One of the fun things I get to do as Watsons ambassador is that I get to try out new beauty products whenever they carry a new line in their stores. It’s like having a…
View PostLondon to Changi

Just a short and quick outfit post which also concludes these series of travel pictures of my trip to London. I wore this for the flight back to Singapore. I love this top… it’s Korean.…
View PostNight time in the City Of Bath

I’ve been very very sick since I got back from my beach trip. Fever, cold sweat, flu, cough… the works. And I didn’t even have the energy to log online at all. I’ll be safely…
View PostThe City Of Bath

I love the City Of Bath. Love all the lovely buildings and the cobblestone roads. So pretty and quaint. I think my favorite building is the Bath Abbey. A beautiful cathedral with beautiful stain glass windows. Bath has been home to historic…
View PostStonehenge

The surreal landscape set the tone for my visit to one of the world’s most famous stones. The Stonehenge. Found in Wiltshire, England amidst countless of other burial mounds and stone monuments. The Stonehenge is said to…
View PostHeading over the Salisbury Plains!

Just a real short outfit post! Was heading out over the Salisbury Plains to go visit Stonehenge which I will share with you all soon! Salisbury Plains is the largest military training area in the…
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