What’s your number

I’m 42 because that’s the number of countries I’ve traveled to so far. I believe that life is not about your age, it’s about your accomplishments, about how you feel. There are a lot of…
View PostScalp care with Trichokare

Sorry for the lack of updates on my blog. I’ve been trying to work my way around The Great Firewall Of China and have met with erratic connections and unpredictable success. Right now, I’m on the…
View PostHue Floresta

Not too long ago, I was chatting with an ex-schoolmate who moved to California, USA, as her husband was dispatched there for work. She was settling into her new home, enjoying the cool weather and…
View PostN.E.mation 10 – Vote to win!

Attended the N.E.mation! 10 downtown picnic recently and was super excited as I finally got to see my teams BAMM! (C02) and Rockin Tomato (C08) final animation clips. These students did such awesome job I…
View PostGRAB – Taxi, Car, Hitch, Express all in one App

GrabTaxi is a pretty well known ride-hailing platform in South East Asia and they have just rebranded themselves to GRAB. The new Grab emcompasses all the company’s services of on-demand taxis, private car services, motorcycle taxis,…
View PostDulux X Fictive Fingers

Chinese New Year is just weeks away and I can see my neighbours doing their annual spring cleaning, throwing away old furnishing and updating with new ones. If redecorating is on your mind, then be…
View PostEruca Hair Products

I’m terrible to my hair on a daily basis. I abuse them through neglect. Yet, waking up with a bad hair day really ruins my mood so something needs to be done. I’ve been relying…
View PostB&O BeoPlay H3 ANC

Bang & Olufsen was established by two enterprising engineers, Mr Peter Bang and Mr Svend Olufsen with the goal of acoustic accuracy. Today the brand is globally renowned for its distinctive, high-performance audio products. Their B&O…
View PostToliv Salon

There some aspects of my beauty regime that I refuse to DIY and would only leave it to the hands of experts. One of this is my crowning glory. Waking up with good hair really…
View PostMELILEA Organic

I’m trying to lead a better and healthier life everyday and was more than delighted when I was invited to the Celebration Party of MELILEA Executive President’s Datuk Dr. Stella Chin Achievement in Winning 4 Stevie…
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