Chengdu Restaurant

I love taking spicy and fiery sichuan food even though sometimes my stomach can’t take the heat. And if you are also a sichuan cuisine lover, I highly recommend you give Chengdu Restaurant a go. It’s been recommended as…
View PostDeparting KL

I took a sabbatical from work a couple of months back and have been madly traveling the globe, checking off items on my bucket list. I’ve still quite a few more countries in my itinerary before I’m ready…
View PostThe art of appreciating coffee

I usually don’t drink coffee. Family, friends and almost anyone who knows me can attest to that. I’m pretty sensitive to caffeine and a cup of coffee or 2 cans of coke in the evening could easily…
View PostSnapshots of November

Had a fun time creating my own sand performance! Learnt that the hole on the tab of a can is designed to help you balance and stabilize your straw. Attended dear friends’, the Seet family’s…
View PostA healthier 2013 in the making

In the last post I touched a little on fitness and I am making a resolution to a health in 2013. That means a better balanced lifestyle, eating healthier and exercising. As a result of this…
View PostEveryone needs a little sugar sometimes

I'm currently sitting by a window with the view of Lake Tekapo, New Zeland thinking of my N.E.mation 7 teams as I write this post. Before I left Singapore I managed to head down to…
View PostAn interview with Yarney Barney

Yarney Barney is such a fun cohesive bunch and I really enjoyed getting to know them better. Their team seems to be enjoying the whole production process. They have found their comfort zone despite the…
View PostYarney Barney and ShiNyGirls

In my last post, I shared a little with you about what N.E.mation 7 was about and now I would like to introduce to you the 2 teams out of the top 10 teams that…
View PostN.E.mation 7 begins!

I first got to know about N.E.mation about 2 years ago and immediately thought that it was an awesome and cool concept for students. I guess I wasn’t the only one who felt so because…
View PostBigger Bolder Better

Watsons flagship store at Ngee Ann City is now BIGGER BOLDER BETTER! I attended their official opening ceremony and I have to agree that it’s so much nicer and better! I love the layout of…
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