Aikee came to visit Louis and Emmie

Aikee came to visit Louis and Emmie

Well, Aikee didn’t come Singapore specifically for my dogs. But he did take these photos of them sleeping soundly around the study room floor after we took them out for a really long walk.

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A day in the life of Louis and Emmie

A day in the life of Louis and Emmie

I’ve been away for some time now and I really miss my two dogs! Here’s a video dedicated to them. A look at the world around them in their common everyday life.

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Adidas Color My World Winner

Adidas Color My World Winner

Thank you everyone for lending your support for the Adidas Color My World Contest. I’m really happy to announce that this picture of Louis and his Adidas watch won the contest! And as an appreciation…

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Lerelyn's Birthday Chalet

Lerelyn's Birthday Chalet

Lerelyn had her big birthday bash at Costa Sands chalet. The food was really good as it was prepared by the birthday girl! Being there however, reminds me of how old I am already… lol……

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Adidas Timings

Adidas Timings

Introducing the Adidas Seoul Watch collection! I got mine in the colors of Spain! Go Spain! So appropriate in this world cup 2010 season. Sleek and streamlined, Seoul takes oversized fashion to a brand new level.…

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Emmie visits the vet

Emmie visits the vet

Took Emmie to visit the vet cause she had a blocked tear duct. This causes her tears to be excessively staining her eye area as it is not properly drained through her nose. If left…

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Hanging out in my sister's room

Hanging out in my sister's room

My little sister’s room has got the cutest things sometimes. She inherited my old room so whenever I’m back at my parent’s place I like to hang in her room. But of course the room…

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Purple Fever

Purple Fever

I’m imagining that my email must be overflowing now. But I wouldn’t know cause I’m still away and won’t have the time to come online. These posts have been schedule early cause I know I…

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SH in town

SH in town

The day SH came to Singapore to stay with us was a one really wet and rainy day! Like a lot of good things, it was a last minute impromptu decision and we only knew…

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Doggies' Halloween 2009

Doggies' Halloween 2009

Yes I know I know! It’s already March 2010! Why am I still blogging about Halloween 2009! Thats so last year! Well, the fact is I got so caught up with traveling and sorts the…

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