Doreen's little one's 1st month

Doreen's little one's 1st month

When you were much younger and still in school you might have wondered who would get married first. But it never occurred to me to wonder who would be a mummy first! One of the…

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Louis sends his love

Louis sends his love

Just a quick update on Louis’ condition. He’s actually feeling much much better know and is eating as per normal. His diarrhea has stopped though his stools are still tinged with blood. His anti-biotics would…

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My Poor Sick Louis

My Poor Sick Louis

Louis gave me quite a scare these last 2 days. He was having diarrhea which was bad but I had assumed he was just detoxifying. Unfortunately… it escalated in 24 hours and I was soon…

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A grinning dog is a happy dog

A grinning dog is a happy dog

Some of you have been asking about Louis and Emmie. They are both doing well and though they’ll love to be able to go out whenever they can. I’ve generally over indulged them with my…

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My Sister's 20th birthday!

My Sister's 20th birthday!

I’m not always around as much as I would like to but I almost never miss my sister’s birthday. She’s the only sibling I have and rather dear to me. The day before I took…

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National Day 2008

National Day 2008

I know National Day past sometime back but I’m always a little behind on the photos cause I don’t have time to upload them everyday! I tend to store a batch of pictures on the…

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Update My Doggies

Update My Doggies

I haven’t updated about my dogs in awhile but they are doing great! Their birthday party pictures didn’t turn out too well cause of bad lighting but to those who attended, we do have a…

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The Revolution Will Be Fabulous

The Revolution Will Be Fabulous

Ever wondered what will happen if women decided to enter the war business? We’ll all have to look pretty in specialized streamlined body suits ala Laura Croft and be busy outbidding the different fashion powerhouses…

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Puppy Found!

Puppy Found!

My friend’s dog,Rinko, has been found!!! Thanks to everyone! He ran from 203D to 206B’s Compassvale rubbish chute then to the common area where there was an ongoing funeral. Then when he saw a school…

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Missing Puppy

Missing Puppy

I’m putting up this post for my friend who’s puppy ran out of the house and is lost. How he managed to escape is unknown as the owner was sleeping. The male pomernarian is called…

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