The Power Of Scent
I’ve always be excited about aromatherapy so when I got invited to Spa Esprit at the Beauty Emporium to try out their huge collection of therapeutic grade of essential oils , I was delighted! When most people…
View PostVichy Normaderm
Girls love their beauty products and with more than a million different products out there, it’s natural that we keep trying out new and different ones. So when I was invited to House to learn…
View PostAsk Renzze: What hair conditioner do you recommend?
Another common question that readers ask me is what conditioner I’m using and what I recommend. I have rather dry hair due to coloring and perming my hair. Previously, I use to interchange between several…
View PostBlack Magic Blogging Contest
I recently learnt more about IPL for the skin and I’m really amazed at the effectiveness and would like to share that with you in this post. I’m not talking about the IPL for hair…
View PostBehind the Scene: The dress
I know that some of you were asking me about the dress I wore in my Watsons Final Tote Design video (direct video link is here.) Well, it’s a mint colored scallop dress from Eternity…
View PostPure Beauty Bon Voyage
I’ve been travelling extensively but I haven’t had the time to sort out the travel photos to share them all with you. Don’t worry though, I will get to them eventually and you’ll get little…
View PostCycling with my dogs
I think the title would be more appropriate to state “Cycling my dogs” rather than “Cycling with my dogs” since they much prefer to have me ferry them around the park while they people watch.…
View PostFinal Tote Design
This is my last post on the Watsons tote bag and I have finalized my design! I wanted a bag that was spacious, had a classic shape and a closure so I can feel more…
View PostAlmost there…
Thank you for your patience. The final design for my tote bag will be out tomorrow! How exciting! As for now, all I can tell you is that I have decided on the shape,…
View PostInspirations
People aways ask me where do I get my inspirations from. Well, from everything and everyone around me. I can see the same situation as another but each individual would naturally draw different inspirations and…
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