Bye Japan, Hello Singapore

This post marks the end of my Japan trip photos šŸ™‚

I honestly can’t wait for my next trip to Japan. I know quite a few girl friends are keen on a trip together as well!

My little Eeyore has traveled quite a few destinations with me and have been lucky to get his own seat most of the time! He even sat suite class to Paris once though I doubt he’ll ever get that chance again.

And I know a lot of people out there hates airplane food but I have been having pretty good food on Singapore Airlines flights so far! Maybe it’s theĀ destinationsĀ I go to but I have noĀ complaintsĀ  on the standard of airplane food.



  1. September 12, 2010 / 12:37 pm

    No wonder the normally sad and gloomy Eeyore is so happy. A seat of his own! I always wanted to do that with my stuff toys.

    • September 14, 2010 / 4:15 pm


      LOL. I’m sure you’ll get a chance. I always seem to get a spare seat nearby of if not… sometimes I’ll but my toys to snuggle right with me especially comforting on long flights.

  2. September 12, 2010 / 12:37 pm

    No wonder the normally sad and gloomy Eeyore is so happy. A seat of his own! I always wanted to do that with my stuff toys.

    • September 14, 2010 / 4:15 pm


      LOL. I’m sure you’ll get a chance. I always seem to get a spare seat nearby of if not… sometimes I’ll but my toys to snuggle right with me especially comforting on long flights.

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