Burberry Ion Store Official Opening in Singapore

It was a night of celebrities-spotting and fun fare for the 500 guests that were invited to the Burberry’s official store opening at Ion Orchard.

Spotted celebrities included Won Bin, Li Bing Bing, Liu Wen, Zoe Tay,  Allan Wu , Christopher Lee, Jaclyn Tay, Wong Li Lin, Terence Cao, Phyllis Quek, Irene Ang, Beatrice Chia Richmond, Tan Kheng Hua, Amy Cheng, Kit Chan, Celeste Chong, and Junita Simon. I’m pretty sure there were more milling around the store. Of course Christopher Bailey was there as well!

Silly me didn’t bring my camera with me that night so most of these pictures here are courtesy of Wendy, Fiona and Melva. On hindsight, I guess I wouldn’t have gone up to the celebs to ask for photos even if I had a camera… it’s odd but maybe it’s cause there were already enough people going goo goo gah gah over them already. Brave Clara was the one that scored the photos with Junita Simon… with her height and built, she really looked elegant in her Burberry trench. My favorite outfit that night was the purple dress that Zoe Tay wore.

The 9000 square foot store carried the full range of Burberry’s line for both men and women. Clara and I were oohing and ahhing over the cutest Burberry clothings for their kids wear section. The Burberry trench and rain boots in miniature size was just absolutely adorable!

Here’s a snapshot of the girlies!

And I’ll do a quick post of my hair and make up in the next post!



  1. November 12, 2009 / 9:46 pm

    Wonbin! I used to be crazy over him in my secondary school years! Zoe Tay looks great in her lilac (or is it lavender?) frock. It’s a pity you forgot your camera. If I were there, I guess I will be discreetly snapping away at candid shots of the celebs 😛 (And I guess that includes you as you are a bit of a celeb yourself!) Candid shots are better!

    • November 12, 2009 / 9:52 pm

      Xiaoqi, nah… I’m a nobody! Lol… but it was nice to people/celeb watch there! And I do love Zoe Tay’s frock! It was the dress that caught my eye especially since so many people were there in Burberry earthly tones. Most of the celebs are really tall especially the models, I felt tinier than usual!

  2. November 12, 2009 / 9:46 pm

    Wonbin! I used to be crazy over him in my secondary school years! Zoe Tay looks great in her lilac (or is it lavender?) frock. It’s a pity you forgot your camera. If I were there, I guess I will be discreetly snapping away at candid shots of the celebs 😛 (And I guess that includes you as you are a bit of a celeb yourself!) Candid shots are better!

    • November 12, 2009 / 9:52 pm

      Xiaoqi, nah… I’m a nobody! Lol… but it was nice to people/celeb watch there! And I do love Zoe Tay’s frock! It was the dress that caught my eye especially since so many people were there in Burberry earthly tones. Most of the celebs are really tall especially the models, I felt tinier than usual!

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