Brunch at Earth Cafe

I honestly miss my dogs the most when I go on long trips. They are like my little babies… if it wasn’t that much of a hassle I would love to bring them to see the world with me! I brought them out to meet Bella for a lunch play date at Earth Cafe.

Daddy was on a business trip so I asked mum along to join Bernice and me. AC was in town for a couple of days cause it’s his University holiday so he came along too!

The food was not bad for humans but I think the doggies enjoyed their portions better!

Too bad Yan and Melvin couldn’t make it this time but we’ll meet them up soon with Nikki! I think the dogs love having play dates… especially Bella!

Mummy is super bias! She loves Louis the most!

It’s no easy feat trying to take pictures with hyper excited dogs! They are so easily distracted by all the other dogs at the cafe! When they are ready to pose for a snapshot I’m not! And when I turn to do my cheese shot they start to play!!!

After playing hard the whole afternoon it was time for a car ride back to my place for more fun and games. Those thirsty babies kept drinking water in the back seat.

Lastly… some of my daily outfit shots =)



  1. Nana
    November 22, 2008 / 10:12 am

    Hi babe, where did u get the black heels from?

  2. Nana
    November 22, 2008 / 10:12 am

    Hi babe, where did u get the black heels from?

  3. November 24, 2008 / 4:57 pm


    I don’t really remember anymore… it’s a very old pair… I think it’s from ASOS.

  4. November 24, 2008 / 4:57 pm


    I don’t really remember anymore… it’s a very old pair… I think it’s from ASOS.

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