
My Chinese New Year has been a lot of fun. Spending time with family and friends while feasting all day for a whole week. It’s one of the most overindulgent period of the year for me and I’m feeling the after effects of it right now. My health is not in tip top condition and I’m a little sluggish at work. If you have been following my instagram (@renzze) , you’ll see that I’ve been stocking up on a whole lot of greens to build my immunity and give my body a boost towards recovery.

For those of you who are also looking towards a healthier start after the week of wine and dine, you might be interested in checking out BoxGreen. A more nutritious and beneficial way of snacking compare to the usual flow of buttery pineapple tarts, love letters and bak kwa. 4 pieces of love letters is 210 calories and 1 piece of bak kua is a whooping 370 calories. Considering that one plate (local serving size) of cha siew rice is also 370 calories, snacking can be extremely unhealthy.

Box Green is a snack delivery service that works mainly on a subscription plan. Every month, you’ll receive 4 natural and wholesome snacks delivered to your mailbox.

BoxGreen is on a mission to promote healthier snacking by sourcing and delivering natural and healthy snacks straight to your hands, in the most hassle-free way possible. You get new flavours to try every month and can always go back to their site to reorder those that you like.

The BoxGeen team finds, tastes, and evaluates a huge assortment of natural food from all over the world and delivers them directly to your desk or postbox. Each subscription plan is a great value, at least 20% off retail.  I really like concepts like these that make having a healthy lifestyle exciting and fuss-free.

Here are the 4 flavours I got in my box.

MacRitchie Midnight

I cannot resist anything with dark chocolate. Described by BoxGreen as a Black Forest Rocky Road Nutella thingamajig. It’s filled with dark chocolate nibs, whole hazelnuts, dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds.

Cheng Tng

I really like the idea of a localised desert like Cheng Tng deconstructed into a snack pack. Ready to eat anytime, it contains no preservatives, no cholesterol and high in antioxidants.


This flavour is exclusively available for BoxGreen subscribers only. You can look forward to some edamame mixed with sweet and delicious pineapple cubes.

Pre-Apple Crumble

While I loved that the natural ingredients were all natural and high in anti-oxidents, I wasn’t a big fan of eating this tangy snack on its’ own. It prompted me to work around it creatively  and I ended up baking an apple tart using this Pre-Apple Crumble as a topping.

All the goodness and flavours matched so well with my pastry and custard base. Definitely less healthy than snacking it on its own but tastes so good and makes an easy pretty dessert to serve after dinner.

For more information on BoxGreen, visit their websiteFor every box they deliver, BoxGreen donates a meal through Willing Hearts to help the underprivileged, the needy, and other marginalised members in Singapore.

Thanks for reading and I wish you a healthier brighter week ahead.


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