Books, Tea and Company

On a weekend, nothing beats having a good book in hand, a leisurely afternoon tea and having family and friends for company. If I could, that would be how I’d love to spend all my weekends. Unfortunately, most weekends are quite packed for me with events to attend, wedding, parties and other commitments.

On one of my luckier weekends, I had time to head down to Kinokuniya to grab some of my favorite magazines and new books. Mum and Dad are always having their weekend movie date in town so they came to find me for brunch before their movie started.

For tea, I headed down to Arteastiq lounge cafe for afternoon tea and snacks with some of my favorite girls.


I see Eunice and Regina all the time but it’s not always that I get to meet Jessie in such a relaxing scenario. She is one busy busy busy gal!

It was a well spent afternoon of catch-ups and girly gossips. Regina and I headed off for some “necessary shopping” after tea that ended up in quite a few “unnecessary purchases”. lol

I haven’t had a good relaxing weekend in weeks and looking at my calendar, I probably won’t have a good free weekend in the weeks to come. I am however, taking a short leave to satisfy my travel bug so that’s a motivation that’ll keep me going for now.




  1. Charlene
    July 1, 2012 / 11:24 pm

    Sooooo pretty! You look like a HK celebrity!

    • July 12, 2012 / 2:59 pm

      Hi Charlene,

      Thanks, I’m really flattered but I’m not glamourous enough to be any sort of celebrity, not to mention a HK one!

  2. Charlene
    July 1, 2012 / 11:24 pm

    Sooooo pretty! You look like a HK celebrity!

    • July 12, 2012 / 2:59 pm

      Hi Charlene,

      Thanks, I’m really flattered but I’m not glamourous enough to be any sort of celebrity, not to mention a HK one!

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