Beijing Hot Pot

The title might sound a little misleading so to clarify, I did have Beijing Hot Pot but I was having it in Shanghai and not in Beijing.

After a day of shopping at Super Brands Mall in Pudong it was time to tuck into a yummy dinner of Beijing Hot Pot. There was so much to choose from! All sorts of meat and toufu and vegetables. I was told that it’s the lamb meat that is famous though.

I love the charcoal hot pot! The heat was fabulous in the cold weather! The grilled skewers were really good as well. I ended ordering way more then I could possibly finish!

Here’s a pic of the gorgeous orient pearl right outside the mall.



  1. September 8, 2010 / 4:12 pm

    Is this shopping mall besides Shangri-la? Cos it sounds familiar…. wahahaha…..

    • September 9, 2010 / 10:53 pm


      It’s in Pudong Shanghai… very near the orient pearl building.

  2. September 8, 2010 / 4:12 pm

    Is this shopping mall besides Shangri-la? Cos it sounds familiar…. wahahaha…..

    • September 9, 2010 / 10:53 pm


      It’s in Pudong Shanghai… very near the orient pearl building.

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