Beancurd Supper

Well after the Level 30 wings adventure, some of us ended up at Sushi’s place for some mahjong and rock band.

We even had some midnight tea session! Lol…

Around 4-5am… before it was time to go home, we decide to have supper. But we needed something light and good for those who had just taken the level 30 wings. Cause a number of them were having stomach issues so we decided to go for Rocher beancurd at Geylang cause it would neutralize the chilli…

Supper was free for me cause I won mahjong but I told them to treat me t0 beancurd instead of giving me money.

I had officially gone without sleep for more than 40 hours that day… so I had to call it a night cause the next day… I still had to attend a wedding!



  1. deedee
    December 8, 2009 / 11:30 pm

    happening babes! wow if i hafta go 40 hrs without sleep i think i’d look like 40. ok i did for mahjong with my hubby and his friends… it was torturous… >< anyway yea, nice hanging out and enjoying the long day together! 😀

    • December 10, 2009 / 12:02 pm


      Lol… yes going without sleep is torturous! I think I’m getting to old to survive such things already… wonder if I’ll ever finish repaying my sleep debt.

  2. December 10, 2009 / 7:41 am

    Gosh! 40 hrs without sleep? Think i didnt sleep for 40 hours, I will be going around “biting” people! LOlz! Anyway, do take care of yourself…… you may not feel the effect now, but really no good for your health……. 🙂

    • December 10, 2009 / 12:05 pm


      I think I’m already starting to feel the effects, I’m no longer 18! But my schedule has always been so tight… it’ll take awhile for me to have a lifestyle change.

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