Bali Dreamland Beach

I love beach holidays and I’ll be going for another beach holiday soon. I’m quite excited because it’ll be a new destination that I’ve never been before. I’ll tell you more soon 🙂

For now, I’ll just content myself by looking at photos from my last Bali trip with friends. For a lot of them it was their first time to Bali so it was even more exciting. Dreamland Beach used to be a secluded little stretch of beach when I first went about 10 years ago and only those in the know would come here. It’s both amazing and a little saddening to see how tourism has progressed so rapidly in Bali. Nowadays, Dreamland beach is filled with tourists from end to end.

There is even a hotel at Dreamland Beach now and it was filled with truckloads of China tourists when we were there. Luckily, the wonderful weather, spectacular beach and delightful company of friends still made the beach outing a rather fun and enjoyable one.

The girls did a lot of suntanning and chilling out at the beach while the boys went a little crazy with the crashing waves. I took a couple of dips in the waters but the waves were much too strong that day for me to do much swimming.

If you want to know more about how this Dreamland Beach came about and how it got lost to commercialization, you can refer to my previous Dreamland Beach post that I wrote in 2009. I don’t want to be long-winded so I won’t repeat myself here again. But at the rate that Dreamland Beach is developing, it may never feel the same for me again.

I’m always starving after a day out at the beach. So we headed for another round of Babi Guling before heading back to our respective villas.

And even after polishing that, I was still hungry and went back to the hotel to cook instant noodles! I really admire how I was able to eat so much without having to worry about gaining weight. Unfortunately for me, it’s no longer the case. Now, my metabolism has slowed down tremendously and my crazy diet is showing in more ways than one. I really need to be more disciplined about my health and make time to work off my muffin top. Maybe these Bali photos are yet another nudge for me to do something soon.


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