Bali Banjar Hot Springs

Bali, being an island full of volcanoes, is filled with pockets of hot spring pools. I’ve visited Bali hot spring pools in resorts previously and it was fantastic. You can read about it here. The water has been filtered slightly by the hotel so it’s pristine.

However, this time I wanted a more natural sulphuric hot spring pool so I headed to Banjar hot springs. The Banjar Hot Springs near Lovina are another famous spot, with 3 basins of different temperature to chose from. They are about 25 kilometers from Git Git.

Git Git is a famous waterfall in Bali where you can swim and bath under the 40m high crystal clear waterfall. The local legend is that if couples swim under the Git Git falls, they are bound to be separated so for those travelling with partners, beware!

The Banjar hot springs have high sulphuric and mineral content and a couple of hours soak is said to improve blood circulation and is good for the skin.

If you intend to go to the Banjar hot springs, do wear dark colored swim wear as the sulfur content in the water might stain light colored swim suits especially white.

Over looking the pool with many flowers surrounding is a cafe. I had a light Soto Ayam snack before heading off.


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