Baking Class with my sis

I forgot to upload my “Away” banner before I left! So just know that I’m not in Singapore till next week… as usual, this means slower email and comment replies but you know that I’ll get to them somehow!

Catching up on my backlogged pictures, here’s the time I went baking lessons with my sister. I love to bake… I love making cakes and pastries.

I did a professional baking course with Shatec many years ago during my long school holiday when I was still in JC and that knowledge has served me well through the years. However, I still love to attend baking classes when I can because it makes me set a time specially to bake and to learn new skills that I can apply to a wide range of recipes.

I know that there are many friends and readers that are asking for recipes but do understand that these recipes are given to me by others and it doesn’t do them justice for me to spread their hard work around. However, if you are interested in going for the classes I can recommend you some places.

These pictures were taken at a baking class by Mrs Fong of creative home baking. Her workshops are good if you have a particular dish you want to learn or just want to have an evening of fun.

If you want something more serious or if you want to get the basics of baking right, then you can consider doing a diploma in baking with Shatec. I did a course with them almost 10 years ago… but I don’t think they offer short 2 weeks courses anymore. I’m personally thinking of doing a cakes and pastries diploma with them but the amount of effort and the cost of $7460 doesn’t justify me attending since I’m doing it for interest sakes rather than intending to get into the industry. I am really tempted to though… anyone wants to sponor me as a christmas present? LOL

Well, for now I’ll just work with the basics I have and try to attend small courses when I can to improve myself. Baking is a very hands-on art so the more I practice, the better I will be.

Meanwhile, my friends and sister can help to be guinea pigs for my experiments!



  1. December 10, 2009 / 8:44 pm

    so that’s where you picked up your culinary skills! and isn’t that the chloe dress?

  2. December 10, 2009 / 8:44 pm

    so that’s where you picked up your culinary skills! and isn’t that the chloe dress?

  3. December 11, 2009 / 11:03 am

    ah i see, sorry for the mistake! that was because i saw in your message wall that you replied another reader the dress you wore the day you went out with your sister and dogs was from chloe (phew, what a long sentence!). the link you showed me doesn’t have your sister though.

    • December 11, 2009 / 4:35 pm


      Lol… in the msg wall… the reader was asking about a blue dress. The link doesn’t show any pictures of my sister but I mentioned her in the post. =)

  4. December 11, 2009 / 11:03 am

    ah i see, sorry for the mistake! that was because i saw in your message wall that you replied another reader the dress you wore the day you went out with your sister and dogs was from chloe (phew, what a long sentence!). the link you showed me doesn’t have your sister though.

    • December 11, 2009 / 4:35 pm


      Lol… in the msg wall… the reader was asking about a blue dress. The link doesn’t show any pictures of my sister but I mentioned her in the post. =)

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