
Had dinner at Bakerzin with Sushi and Clara. Was supposed to have been looking for bridesmaid dresses but we didn’t find anything fantastic. But my green wedges gave way that day so we started shopping for shoes and I ended up with about a dozen pairs! Talk about an overkill.

Dinner was good though and so was catching up!

And my outfit for the day…



  1. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 11:51 am

    U went to Bakerzin…!

    I also got go there eat a few times with my friends in the past but very EX $$$$! haha!

    The food looks good ya! =)

    Your blog is always full of food, every time read le I feel like eating!

    *Calling Eden now, Eden faster go cook for me to eat…I hungry* -LOL-

  2. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 11:51 am

    U went to Bakerzin…!

    I also got go there eat a few times with my friends in the past but very EX $$$$! haha!

    The food looks good ya! =)

    Your blog is always full of food, every time read le I feel like eating!

    *Calling Eden now, Eden faster go cook for me to eat…I hungry* -LOL-

  3. March 30, 2009 / 12:14 pm

    Wow, you still have him to cook for you. You lucky gal!

  4. March 30, 2009 / 12:14 pm

    Wow, you still have him to cook for you. You lucky gal!

  5. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 8:29 pm

    Haha, ya when I was typing this morning on your blog I saw your pic of food so I end up very hungry so he go cook for me. Well befor I ask him, he already go cook for me!

    Eden say he loves to cook for me, next time marry I guess he will come home from work to cook for me lor! haha! Ya I am lucky girl! =)

  6. Janice_Shermaine
    March 30, 2009 / 8:29 pm

    Haha, ya when I was typing this morning on your blog I saw your pic of food so I end up very hungry so he go cook for me. Well befor I ask him, he already go cook for me!

    Eden say he loves to cook for me, next time marry I guess he will come home from work to cook for me lor! haha! Ya I am lucky girl! =)

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